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Stripe for WooCommerce

Maximize revenue with the new checkout from Stripe.

In the new checkout experience, the ‘Future Payment’ text that appears for ‘Simple Subscription’ products, should not appear if auto-renewals are disabled.

In the new checkout experience, if a customer buys a ‘Simple Subscription’ product, a line of text appears below the card payment number fields which says:
“By providing your card information, you allow [website name] to charge your card for future payments in accordance with their terms.”
The problem with this text is that our website has automatic renewals turned off by default! We make a selling point of that fact. So, for our customers to then see the above message is deeply off putting and it has lost us sales Therefore, for websites like ours with auto-renewals turned off, this text needs to be removed ASAP, or at least be made optional.
As a temporary fix we reverted to the legacy checkout which does not have this text present. But now we’ve learnt that the legacy checkout is being turned off in a few weeks time! Therefore, this feature request needs to be implemented as a matter of urgency.
Finally, please note that I have been recommended to add this feature request by your ‘happiness engineers’, as they can see no other way to fix this serious issue.



Current Status


Last updated: October 12, 2024


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