New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Registration & Login with Mobile Phone Number for WooCommerce

Enable WooCommerce 2FA by allowing users to log in and register with a mobile phone number with an OTP (One Time Password). Provide your customers with an easy and secure login method with the WooCommerce registration with the phone number plugin.

Instead of auto-generated passcode have option to prompt user to set own passcode.

Hello, I emailed this question to wordpress support who may have already forwarded my email to you so sorry in advanced for the duplicate message. I am wanting to purchase this plugin but it’s missing once crucial feature I think would benefit everybody.

For new users registering, after they are texted the initial one-time passcode and enters the code, a popup appears with their new auto-generated passcode to use for future logins. I am hoping it would be easy to implement the feature or ability to prompt the user to set their own password instead of having the auto-generated one which then would require the user to go into the user settings and change the generated one. It may not seem like a lot, but by removing that additional step would most definitely help with increasing leads. I believe it would be pretty easy to implement this function into the settings panel of the plugin and allow the web-owner to choose if a passcode is auto-generated or to prompt the user to set their own passcode. Thank you for understanding! Looking forward to hearing back.



Current Status


Last updated: December 18, 2022


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