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The only payment solution fully integrated with WooCommerce. Accept credit/debit cards and local payment options with no setup or monthly fees.

Kindly Include Woocommerce payment services for Papua New Guinea.

Kindly Include Woocommerce payment services for Papua New Guinea.


Current Status


Last updated: July 3, 2021


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  1. melphaanda says:

    Yes, we need Woocommerce Pay in Papua New Guinea. I am a website builder and have noted that the only hindrance to venture into online business in Papua New Guinea that is a simple gateway payment system. There are lots of businesses that are willing to sell their products online, if Woocommerce Payment is introduced, the country will see a boom on ecommerce business.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Several of us here needs the woo-commerce payment service activated for Papua New Guinea as we are selling our locally made products online through our WordPress site using woo-commerce to set up our online store. Please consider us and introduce this very good and convenient online payment service.