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Product Add-Ons for WooCommerce

Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Limit the number of checkboxes which can be selected for a specific addon

It would be a great to have option to limit the number of checkboxes which can be selected for a specific addon.

If as an example product has 10 checkbox options added all 10 of those could be chosen. This is just wrong and needs to have a better way!

I’ll give you an example from my Woo store:
Pizza with 2-4 toppings

Customer has 40 values to choose from and should only add two, three or four toppings based on the product.

Vote this please! 🙂


Current Status


Last updated: September 4, 2019


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  1. kylegransaull says:

    This should be a standard feature. Surprised this was overlooked.

  2. Ben Jamieson says:

    This is so very needed! Hitting the exact same issue with a food ordering site.

  3. Gareth Harris says:

    You can set a minimum and maximum number of checkboxes with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin:

  4. poehah says:

    Just letting you know this is already possible with the Advanced Product Fields plugin, found at