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Cost of Goods for WooCommerce

Easily track profit by including your cost of goods in your orders and reports.

Make the cost of good plugin compatible with multi currency

The multi currency plug in allows on a per product basis to add different prices per currency. The cost of goods should allow for this so the cost can be added per currency.

Also the plugin needs to have an option to add a cost as a percentage of the net price the customer paid to take into account when you state the prices as inclusive of Vat which differs around the memebera of europe


Current Status


Last updated: July 21, 2021

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  1. iamdavids says:

    The multi-currency plugin sounds like a great way to enhance our pricing strategy, especially for our international customers. We’ll definitely look into implementing options for adding costs as a percentage of the net price and ensuring VAT inclusivity for different European members on our website ( Your feedback is much appreciated!