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EU VAT Number for WooCommerce

Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses.

Make the VAT Number Field Label and Description translatable

Many online stores in the world are in several languages (especially when they need this VAT number plugin, which is for sales to different countries in the EU, which happens to be made up of countries which speak different languages) so it is very unfortunate if these field are not translatable. Don’t look in Loco Translate or in Polylang String Translations – it is not possible to translate these user input strings. This has been confirmed by the plugin authors. I hope they include the option to translate these strings very soon so that this plugin is actually worth having in an EU woocommerce store.



Current Status


Last updated: December 24, 2024

  1. thisissandipmondal says:

    Hi there,

    The VAT number field label and description are fully translatable since version 2.8.5! This enhancement ensures that you can customize these fields to better suit the language preferences of your customers.

    To translate these fields, please follow our step-by-step translation guide available here:

    I hope this helps!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree with Jesse Naylor. It would be great if the Vat Number field is a string in WPML. It would even be better if you can make it dependant to the shipping country. The name of a Vat Number is differtent in Germany than in Austria (but they use the same language)