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WooCommerce Bookings

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

Multiple bookings for one time period with a limited resource.

If you have fx a guide at a museum and he have multiple tours. Some of them are during the same time period.
Then the first costumer that book a given tour, reserve the guide/resource for that period and there other tour becomes unavailable. – This works right now.

However, if the tour have up to 25 available spots for the tour, and the costumer only book 5 persons. The tour will become unavailable for the remaining 20.

That is because the logic now works for 1 resource(guide) pr booking and cant tell the difference if that booking have persons added.

I am looking for something to check something like:
Is the resource available – Allow booking up to 25.
Is the resourced booked – dont allow booking
Is the resource reserved for given tour – Allow booking for remaining spots.


Current Status


Last updated: September 1, 2016

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  1. Sally says:

    Yes I have this exact same issue and created an idea about it.

    We have guides that are available for activities, each of which can take a number of people. There can be several activities on any given day.

    My solution was to allow a resource to be a human (quantity of 1 or more), each with a capacity of x. that way once 1 human is used on a bookable product (activity / tour) he is no longer available for other tours / activities for that time slot but the capacity for the tour he is allocated to is still open.

    This is really important for me.