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Xero for WooCommerce

Save time with automated sync between WooCommerce and your Xero account.

Option to connect to multiple companies

Since we’re in Europe we have multiple VAT registrations. I know that Xero doesn’t support this well and that’s fine, but would there be an option to be able to export orders to more than one Xero company in future? We have two Xero subscriptions for our two VAT registered entities (oversimplification) and reconcile transactions in one region in a different Xero ‘company’ so that we can report the EU VAT. It would be good to be able to choose which Xero company to export to in the export dropdown. Seriously great!


Current Status


Last updated: May 20, 2020

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  1. Hans says:

    While this is one way to solve the multi-region VAT/GST/sales-tax problem, another would be to simply assign foreign taxes to a designated account (or accounts) as a separate line item in the invoice. This would keep the local taxes that Xero can handle separate from foreign taxes.

    Xero suggest this themselves, here:

    I’ve tried submitting this as a separate feature request twice, but it’s not appearing in the list. So I’m mentioning it here in the hope that it gets some attention. It would be great to have this handled properly.