New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Product Add-Ons for WooCommerce

Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Option to exclude add-ons from coupon discounts

Provide an option so that add-ons are not also discounted by coupons. So, if a product costs €50 and addons costs €20, a 10% coupon code should only discount the €50 and not the €20 as well.



Current Status


Last updated: May 4, 2023

1 comment

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  1. Sean Burgess says:

    Is there a plugin that offers this functionality? Certain add-on fees, like state continuing education reporting fees, are fixed, and should not be discounted with the course price. This feature would be very beneficial if added. Thank you