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Order Tags for WooCommerce

by  99w
Manage orders more efficiently with automatic or manually assigned tags.

Order tag as per SKU

Business core base is SKU. Which stores all products information and used at every stage of selling and buying. You haven’t added give order tag as per SKU. Which is the biggest flaw in this plugin. Otherwise it would be best plugin.
You can add different conditions in SKU to give tag. E.g if SKU contains C-T and end with B give order tag Cat.
Multiple conditions for SKU
If contains, doesn’t contain, equal, Start with , ends with




Current Status


Last updated: July 29, 2023

1 comment

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  1. ninetyninew says:
    Product Developer July 29, 2023 12:05 pm


    The majority of this can be achieved already using the set if product meta data option, the product meta for sku is _sku so you could use a rule like _sku|contains|test, the only parts of this you cannot do right now are the start with/ends with.

    If you feel this would be a good feature please can you raise as separate feature request for adding starts with/ends with conditions to that field (and potentially any others you think necessary e.g. order meta data), doing that is a separate feature this one raised, so it just helps us keep them organised.

    Thank you,