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WooCommerce Pre-Orders

Allow customers to order products before they are available.

Pre-order enable/disable by Product Variation

Develop the Pre-orders extension to be enabled/disabled by product variation.

The extension can currently only be enabled only by product, which gives the impression that in-stock variations will not be shipped until the pre-order shipment date, or that all variants will be shipped on the same date.

This development could be used in a number of ways:

– Physical Goods Shops: Useful for taking pre-orders for product variants, when some of the product’s variants are in stock and others are out of stock

– Physical and Digital: Useful for staggering release date by variant. For example a product could have Gold, Silver and Bronze pricing tiers with the Gold tier being released first etc…


Current Status


Last updated: November 3, 2016


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  1. fluidninja says:

    Really need this featue please add this. Would be nice to enable pre-orders for just an individual variation rather than the whole product and all the variations as it is currently

  2. hello96ff8a1a59 says:

    We have various retailer partners asking for this function. It would be great to have the ability to pre-order a variation such as small, that triggers the pre-order emails and everything else already included in this plugin. 🤞🏻 it’s soon implemented.

  3. synergeticpress says:

    Is this still in the works? We are an independent publishing company that ships our books in house. Our Woocommerce shop has books with different variations (hardback, paperback, ebook, audiobook). It would be very beneficial to be able to sell different variations of the books with the pre-order status and other variations not as pre-order.

  4. justinleemackey says:

    Hello, this would be very useful for multiple WooCommerce websites that I manage that use Pre-orders. Thanks for your time!

  5. Amber says:

    Bumping this. This plugin sorely needs some love/attention. Having Pre-orders via Variation is a must have. This is currently available via the competing YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order plugin – along with other great features like “Turn Out of Stock Products into Pre-orders”.

    C’mon Woo, start innovating on your products again!

  6. Golden Bath says:

    there no need further explenation for this function, it is a MUST HAVE. please guys take seriusly the owners of already ecommerce stores give a more attention on functionalities that will make the plugin better and better (this mean more sales of it) i know many stores that they use different plugin insteed of official plugins just because of this plugin it doesn’t have the function to enable or disable per variation pre-order, one more time please give an attention on QUALITY feature requests. thank you

  7. Laura Yeffeth says:

    This would be huge improvement for bookstores. Using variations for different book formats is necessary to have the options on the same product page and it’s standard to have the hardcover release first and the paperback later, so having the option for separate pre-order dates or being able to have one available and one on pre-order is really needed.

  8. James says:

    This is really important to us, and something we require.