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Klarna Payments Q3 2024 banner

Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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WooCommerce Subscriptions

by  Woo
Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Preserve the Column Sort on the Subscriptions Admin Page when changing Status

When an admin “Re-Activates” a subscription, often the next task is to check or modify the “Next Payment” date.

Unfortunately, if you have sorted your page (perhaps by User or Order) to help find that subscription you wanted to change, when you change the status, the page is refreshed with the default sort order. And the subscription you were just modifying is no longer in your viewable pane. You have to re-sort and go find it again to adjust that “Next Payment” date or even just to check that the status actually changed.

Preserving the key order across the page refresh seems like a good enhancement for the intent of the UI here.


Current Status


Last updated: June 18, 2015

1 comment

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  1. says:

    realy like this idea, check my site: