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Product Add-Ons for WooCommerce

Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Product Add-ons as Resources in a Booking (WooCommerce Bookings)


– You have a venue with many bookable rooms.
– Each room can be booked for (x) hours.
– The customer booking also wants to book additional extras (laptop, projector, etc…) for the duration of the booking.

The current Product Add-ons allows additional extras to be added when a room is booked, but they aren’t currently tied to the duration of the booking. Meaning additional extras can be double booked.

Allow additional extras to be booked as per the duration of your booking or a part thereof.


Current Status


Last updated: December 11, 2019


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  1. Jane Ronald says:

    This is looking very nice idea and its also very useful for kind of projects as you can see here.

  2. Arley Arden says:

    this becomes more important with the transformation of offices into digital workplaces. Especially in the corporate sector, where Zoom meetings are the new way to connect with colleagues.
    visit best laptops for Zoom video conferencing in 2021

  3. Derek Bryant says:

    This would be incredibly handy for service websites where an add-on would change the overall duration of a product. Say original product is 60 minutes, but an add-on adds another 15 minutes. Currently it doesn’t reflect that and would throw off availability and bookings.

  4. Elica Nekr says:

    Yes its the same product add-ones issue occurring in my website they are looking to book some laptops there kindly guide us about it.