New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Sell online with the flexible, customizable eCommerce platform designed to grow with your business. From your first sale to millions in revenue, Woo is with you. See why merchants trust us to power 3.4 million online stores.

Product Import Logging

When importing product using the core import feature, which works great, after it concludes you are giving a brief summary of the products the where imported, skipped or failed.

This log only appears to be available after the import, but it would be nice to have it also in the WooCommerce > Status > Logs section to review at a later time.

Example: when importing a very large product catalog
Import complete! 908 products imported. 9,973 variations imported. 94 products were skipped. Failed to import 6,031 products. View import log. File uploaded: All-Items.csv

Most of these where due to missing images but it would be nice to have a reference to fix the failed one.



Current Status


Last updated: January 17, 2024

1 comment

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  1. dividarshan says:

    “but it would be nice to have it also in the WooCommerce > Status > Logs section to review at a later time.” <= it's definitely good have it here, To review if afterwards