New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Global Payments HPP for WooCommerce

Securely accept credit card payments with support for refunds and saved cards with the Global Payments payment gateway.

Redirection time and payment form font size

Hi, I suggest two important changes at the aesthetic level:

-Redirection time
Disable temporary redirect to the WooCommerce pay page (order-pay page) when using the redirect option for Form Type. Redirect directly to the payment form, without going through the “order-pay” page or make the redirection invisible to the user.

-Font size of form payment
On mobile devices, when you select a field of the payment form, the zoom effect occurs, breaking up the entire web design. If I’m not mistaken, to avoid this you have to increase the font size to 16px minimum.

Attached are screenshots of the two “problems”.

Hopefully you can check it and fix it, I appreciate it.





Current Status


Last updated: May 12, 2023


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