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added by Latoya

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User roles editor - Add, Assign and Switch user roles for WooCommerce

Create, edit, or delete user roles and also manage permissions and capabilities of user roles. Automatically assign and switch user roles based on different conditions.

Repeat purchase time accumulation and custom modification of time.

Dear development team,

I have been using the User Roles Editor for WooCommerce plugin and I am satisfied with its automatic user role upgrade feature. However, I have noticed that the plugin does not support the functionality of adding days for repeat purchases and manually modifying the added days. This makes it difficult for me to set the automatic upgrade time according to my needs and adjust it flexibly based on the user’s purchase behavior.

Therefore, I hope that the plugin can implement the functionality of time accumulation for repeat purchases and manual modification of the added days. This will provide more flexibility in controlling the time. Additionally, if a user makes a repeat purchase, the plugin can automatically add the accumulated days to the existing days to achieve more accurate automatic upgrades.

I believe that this feature is valuable for many users, and I hope that you can consider adding it to the plugin. I look forward to the implementation of this feature and appreciate your efforts and support.



Current Status


Last updated: April 11, 2023


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