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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Set future start date for subscriptions

I don’t know how many businesses could benefit from being able to delay the start date for subscriptions. The model is especially valuable to private education institutes that want to allow early registration for classes that start at a later day.

PLEASE make this a thing. Please.


Current Status


Last updated: June 20, 2018


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  1. keithatstorm says:

    Yes, this. My client wants to start a trial period from the day the customer receives the goods. The goods can take a few days to get ready to ship, it’s a variable period, so maybe the trial startdat could be triggered by the completed button or something?

  2. nottillc says:

    My products are made (grown) to order. I need 14 days to grow the product before I charge and deliver/local pickup the product. I sync the charges for all products to a Friday. Without a delay, customers can purchase too soon and I won’t have the product available. I’ve then got to manually change the order and inform the customer. I need the ability to set a start date to at least 14 days out on a Friday. Seems so simple but yet no feature supports this and no third-party plugins are available for this specific use case. Please prioritize the future start date and have options to customize the date using various forms of natural language (next Friday or 14 days from next Friday, etc). PLEASE!!!!

  3. Aaron says:

    This would definitely be a welcomed functionality! I’m in the same boat, private school needing to allow students to sign up early, but not start payments until a specific start date.

  4. Anonymous says:

    YES! I want this for gift subscriptions to start on a certain special date. I tried to implement this but had nasty side effects.

  5. Marc says:

    We need this too for woocommerce subscription gifting.

  6. Yoanne says:

    I second this. We need to be able to set start dates for subscription.

  7. Nancy Thanki says:

    Hi folks, if you want to see this feature added, please add your votes to the more popular issue for a similar idea here:

    We keep track on all ideas, but prioritise features based on popularity and having all votes on the one ideas helps us do that.

  8. Kate says:

    Yes!! My business starts weekly deliveries on a set date and finishes 40 weeks later. Customers need to be able to sign up in advance while the first payment is only charged on the first week of deliveries.

    Really need this!

  9. Muhammad Nadeem says:

    Yes same here, I need that solution too. Did you find that?