If a “hide all option except” action is used and there is only one option set, it should be auto selected. No need to display a “select” button for the user to click.
Last updated: July 28, 2022
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Hey there,
Thank you for your suggestion!
There is a similar request about this feature on this board: https://woocommerce.com/feature-request/select-a-component-option-or-variation-by-default-when-all-the-rest-are-excluded-by-scenarios/. To better track demand for each feature, we aim to keep one request open per feature. Therefore, I encourage you to upvote the above request instead — in the meantime, I will mark this one as closed.
Hey there,
Thank you for your suggestion!
There is a similar request about this feature on this board: https://woocommerce.com/feature-request/select-a-component-option-or-variation-by-default-when-all-the-rest-are-excluded-by-scenarios/. To better track demand for each feature, we aim to keep one request open per feature. Therefore, I encourage you to upvote the above request instead — in the meantime, I will mark this one as closed.