New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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WooCommerce Bookings

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

Show availability (number of seats left) in booking calender

‘Booking dates configured with time show the number of remaining available seats for each booking date to customers.

Booking dates on a day basis (without time) only change colour in booking calendar if seats have already been booked but number of remaining seats is not displayed. Our customers would like to see the exact number for these booking dates, too.

If you configure bookable products with booking options:
– Booking duration in minutes
– Availability in minutes
then the customers can see the number of free seats in the booking calendar, e.g. if you choose 20th July 8 pm –> calendar shows 12 free seats.

This information isnt shown anymore if product is configured with:
– Booking duration one day
– Availability in days, no time of day
Afterwards if customers select the day in booking calender, they see that its displayed in light dark green with the information “”This date is partly booked”, but they cannot see the exact number any more.

We would like to show the exact participant number also when customizing days without time? Thanks!


Current Status


Last updated: May 20, 2020


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  1. Izak Ferreira says:

    Is this option already available?
    It would work great for my setup.

  2. Gerold says:

    Urgently needed also here!

  3. spancio says:

    what if I want to deactivate it?

  4. Glenn Murdoch says:

    Plus one from me! This is essential.

  5. Jennifer Vogler says:

    My client is asking for this. We told them this was the best plugin to work with WooCommerce to implement a class scheduling functionality for their website so people could book slots for their training classes. They want to create a sense of urgency with guests to book the class – they feel there would be more urgency if when the class date was selected in the calendar on that class page, they be given a total seats left available for the selected date. Is there any way to do this with additional code?

  6. Jochem van Eerden says:

    This is needed!

  7. Jas says:

    Yes please, this feels like a simple ask and would add a lot of value. Other booking plugins have this feature such as that from Tyche Softwares