It is very common for companies to allow a customer to pay up front for a subscription and still receive the product monthly. It would be great to have this option in the subscription plug-in. Payment settings and how often the product ships should be separate settings.
Last updated: August 10, 2013
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I’ve seen the workaround for this as proposed in the documentation, and it just has too many downsides. I, like I’m sure many others do, would like to be able to charge a discounted rate for a customer that pre-pays for a year, yet received shipped goods monthly/quarterly/etc.
Furthermore, having the option to generate a pro-rated refund on unused subscription shipments would be required. This extension is very robust and sophisticated, but this is an unfortunate limitation–and was an unanticipated one at that. This is a very common arrangement for retailers to provide.
This is duplicate of
We are aware of the request and are keep a close eye on
Please leave any feedback and votes on that Idea instead of this one.
Hi folks,
We are aware of this request and keeping a close eye on it.
Feature requests normally need at least 150 votes before we guarantee they will make it onto the roadmap.
In the case of this feature request, the votes have been split across at least 5 different requests, including:
* 38 votes here:
* 20 votes here:
* 9 votes here:
* 3 votes here:
Combined with the 57 votes on this request, that means this feature is getting very close to the 150 mark. We also understand the importance of this issue for some stores preferred model for selling so are taking that into consideration.
At this stage, it’s likely this feature will be included in v2.2 or v2.3 of Subscriptions. It’s too soon to provide an ETA on either of those versions. That means it’s unlikely the feature will be available within the next 12 months, but it will be available eventually.
We have a pretty good idea of how to implement this, but if you have unique requirements not mentioned already in the comments here or the other requests above, please post them in a new comment.
Oh wow – I just assumed this would already be included as part of a $200 plug-in, since it’s such a popular way of doing things now! There’s no way I can wait more than 12 months for this feature. Hoping there was a money-back guarantee!
I also need the feature to do a 1 time payment for several period subscription. This feature is needed to gift a subscription. Someone wants to pay up-front for 6 month of subscription. The person who received the gift gets his subscription for the pre-paid duration. At the end of the pre-paid duration, the customer shall have the opportunity to turn his subscription to an automatic renewal to continue his subscription. This feature is mandatory for my business… thanks
This is a huge challenge for us as well and a major setback each month as we run this manual process via excel spreadsheets and manual email templates. Please consider pushing this to the front of the line, this is common across ALL subscription companies.
Yes please! This missing feature has created endless amounts of work for us the last 2 years!
I dread mailing my subscription boxes every month because I have to generate excel worksheets with all my customers that have paid up front for 3 month or 6 month subscriptions (their monthly orders are not generated). Please add this feature, it will save me hours and hours of work each month.
A Must Have!
Yes please we have had two customers in the last three months that would have loved this feature
Yes please with the option to bill shipping monthly would be great
agreed this is definitely needed
Yes please!
I’d love to have this (sooner than a year, please :)) – my client sells daily meals. If you get a subscription for one or more days a week to have dinner delivered at home, you don’t want to have to pay every week – it would be so much more convenient to be able to pay per month. But without the orders appearing somewhere (i.e. an order export), it gets really hard for them to get a complete overview of how many meals have been ordered for any given day.
Also – we’d need shipping costs added for every individual meal ordered, not one time shipping. Not sure if this isn’t already in there, just mentioning it to be complete.
We need this ASAP. Makes no sense having subscriptions order frequency 100% related with payment recurrence.
Hi development team, is there an update on this?
yes please do! this would be very helpful to our business
Please. Please. Please.
Just purchased several plugins to move my subscription business from Cratejoy to Woo. This limitation means I just wasted several hundred dollars. Great.
I need this ASAP. For Christmas? Please!
I sell tangible products, like a 2 oz. or 5 oz. bottle of oil with discount pricing for frequency. So the variables are one-time purchase, every month or every two months plus the choice of size: 2 oz. or 5 oz.
I need a one-time option without it saying for one day (month or year)
Any update on this? It looks like we’re well over the needed votes to get this on the roadmap (especially if counting the other threads Brent linked below). Would love to see this implemented sooner than later, and I’m sure many of us would be happy to test the update or help however we can. Thanks!
We offer a recycling pick that varies from twice a week to once a month, but all the invoices are sent out on the 1st. We really would love to use this add on when you offer this feature!
I need this as well.
The idea of subscriptions started before computers and continues today as physically shipped products on recurring intervals that are different than payments intervals. For example, a quarterly magazine with an annual renewal. Tracking shipping of this very, very basic functionality is also necessary. At this point we spend days processing our database to determine who gets what issues of our magazine. It is enough to send us searching for a different product every quarter, or at least find a tutorial for woocommerce about this basic, but lacking functionality.