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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Subscriptions that ship on a different schedule to billing e.g. pay annually, ship monthly.

It is very common for companies to allow a customer to pay up front for a subscription and still receive the product monthly. It would be great to have this option in the subscription plug-in. Payment settings and how often the product ships should be separate settings.


Current Status


Last updated: August 10, 2013


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  1. Paul Gambill says:

    I would really like this option as well. I want to be able to charge recurring billing on a different schedule than shipping.

  2. Dietmar says:

    There should be an extension for WooCommerce Sbuscription for one-time-payment in combination with table-rate shipping. So final the initial order must contain as example 6 times of product and 6 times of delivery as one time payment. And then 5 times of zero-order just with the products to print a packing list.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Seriously. This is super, super basic functionality for a subscription service. If I knew this couldn’t be done, I would’ve never purchased. I’m still seriously considering doing a chargeback and going to something like CrateJoy or Subbly.

    I really hope the purchase by Automattic cleans a lot of this crap up.

  4. Jack says:

    I agree. This needs to be here.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Subscriptions of many physical products require the ability to bill say every month and ship every 3 months.
    This is the basis for many physical product continuity offers.
    It is a basic requirement for a physical product subscription model and should be a fundamental feature of Woocommerce Subscriptions.

    Can this please be expedited as there are many shopping carts out there with that require this fundamental feature

  6. Anonymous says:

    We ship a physical product and we use woocommerce subscriptions for our monthly subscription. We want to start 3-month, 6-month, and yealry subscription options, but the issue we’ve found is that those subscriptions won’t produce monthly orders so we can ship the product every month. I think subscriptions should have the option to have shipping periods that are different from the billing period

  7. Eric says:

    I double this request. We are facing this issue now with wanting to charge an up front cost for a monthly shipped item. I’ve been communicating with support about this and all I receive is ‘currently that is not possible.’ There are many other ecommerce platforms that can separate billing from order processing but this is one big area where WooCommerce Subscriptions falls short.

    In my mind this would be easy to integrate, but apparently it is not. Since it is not possible for subscriptions to show under the orders page unless there’s some sort of billing associated, ie. The subscription would show up under orders only on the first month when initially purchased. There must be a way to show subsequent months (not associated with billing) to show up in the orders page each month. That way us store managers, can effectively use the orders page and other extensions, such as the shipment tracking extension, to process all shipments from one page each month. Also customers are clueless about their monthly orders. For the first month, they receive an email for the completed order with shipping tracking info. For the other months, NOTHING! They wonder whats going on or we aren’t processing it. So to circumvent this, we have to use a spreadsheet and an external email template to let them know their order is processed. HUGE waste of time.

    If this feature is truly not possible, we may be forced to move away from woocommerce. There’s a 30-day money back guarantee on the hundred of dollars we spent on plugins right?