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WooCommerce Memberships

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts.

traditional membership as product

Subscriptions similar to a traditional membership. E.G. Have a subscription (in my case membership) where the signup fee ($X.XX) is good for 1 year and then one year later the subscription renews at $X.XX for a year and every year thereafter?

Example: Sign-up fee is 495.00 (good for 1 year) and then one year later the subscription renews at 198.00 for a year and every year thereafter.


Current Status


Last updated: July 29, 2014

1 comment

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  1. SkyVerge says:

    You can do this already with Subscriptions — make the subscription price $198, then charge the difference as a signup fee to make the first payment $495, then all other payments $198: