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Smart Coupons for WooCommerce

Boost sales and customer loyalty. Create advanced discounts, sell gift cards, set BOGO deals, give store credits, and all types of rule based dynamic discounts with this all-in-one Smart Coupons plugin for WooCommerce.

Treat Store Credit Like Money

We’ve got minimum spend requirements set up using the Conditional Shippings and Payments plugin (though the same would apply I assume with the WC core minimum spend requirement) – $89 for delivery orders and $50 for stockist pick-up orders.

Our customers can purchase store credit using your Smart Coupons plugin. We’ve set up the minimum spend to be based on cart total rather than sub-total because we don’t want customers to be able to use a *promotional* discount, e.g., $25 off their first order, and then only having to spend $64/$50 to reach the minimum spend. This means we can’t calculate the minimum spend based on the sub-total. The issue is if someone has a $50 store credit voucher and tries to use it the checkout is blocked until the customer has $139/$100 in their cart which completely renders the store credits useless for us.

Store Credit should be treated like an actual payment so it should count towards any minimum spend requirements. Or at least there should be an option in the settings to toggle it on or off.



Current Status


Last updated: February 3, 2024

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  1. radiancecentral says:

    I agree with the request that store credit/gift cards should be treated like money or a payment method, not as a discount code.

    In my situation, we offer free shipping on all orders over $99 (after discounts, before taxes). If a customer’s cart subtotal is $150 they should get free shipping. But if they apply a $100 gift card to pay for part of the order, the site ends up charging them shipping because the balance owed after applying the gift card is $50 (which is under the $99 free shipping threshold). This is an error, the customer shouldn’t be charged shipping if the order value is $150.

    This is happening because the Gift Card/Store Credit is being treated like a discount and not payment method. I hope that this can be fixed because I can’t offer gift cards if customers are errorneously being charged shipping when it should be free.