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Lottery for WooCommerce

Lottery for WooCommerce is a full-featured lottery plugin for creating and managing online lotteries in your WooCommerce Shop.

Update needed

The are many mistakes with this plugin its crazy. I managed to fix some with CSS and js however some I am unable to at the moment.

1. When the range slider has 1 ticket selected, the text says 1 “Tickets” and not 1 “Ticket”. It should automatically change to “Tickets” when there are more than 1 quantity. How can you say 1 Tickets. This is wrong.

2. Everything aligns left and cannot change it when selecting on Elementor the positions.
3. I had to use a lot of CSS to separate all the buttons. Why is everything such as range slider, timer, buttons, progress bar all together. What if I want to put them in separate areas? Yeah I can use shortcode but it not always works, unless I put in a product ID, but I want to build a template for all products, I am not going to manually provide product id in each.
4. The range value button goes outside of the page when I slide it, and the start petitioning is on the left, but I want it to be in center and middle of the slider handle to save space.

There are many things, too. I fixed this myself but number 5 issue for me was the ticket sold percentage, showed like 10 decimals after. so if we sold 10%, it shows the eact 10.43736489% and that is wrong. Just unpleasing to look at.

Fix all other issues and make it more customizable without having to change CSS and js myself.



Current Status


Last updated: June 18, 2023


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  1. hostyler1 says:

    As I said earlier,
    #1 can actually be easily fixed
    #2 that’s weird, on my clients’ websites I managed to do that very very easily!
    #3 that’s also weird, I didn’t encounter any of these problems, I customized the single product page from A to Z without any hard effort tbh
    #4 same for #4

    Look at my work

    I don’t know where your issues are coming from, but I myself never had a single issue working with this plugin, not even once

  2. hostyler1 says:

    you can actually fix that with PHP where it says “ticket” or “tickets”. You will need to modify the plugin’s code

  3. vb says:

    Hi Xpursuedreams, apologies for the late response i didn’t get any notifications. I have a document of re written php each time a new update comes in, i just re-input all the changes. They seem to have fixed the sold percentage, but not like i wanted so im still keeping my code. The sold percentage and bar itself also disappears after competition is closed so i had to fix that.

    If you know how to display entry lists for customers and display results/winners let me know. Right now, i can’t figure out how customers may see who enters. This should be a easy thing to do and not much manual work.

  4. xpursuedreams says:

    Hi Viktor, Have you managed to fix the sold percentage? Care to help if you have? I’ve been scratching my head with this and where to start. Thanks in advance.