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WooCommerce Bookings

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

WooCommerce Bookings add snapshot of total number of people booked by date and time

Ability to have a quick way to display a calendar that an admin user can view that shows a quick snap recap of total number of persons booked for that day and time


Current Status


Last updated: May 15, 2019


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  1. Marianna Kane says:

    I vote for this too! Badly needed

  2. Steven Marsicano says:

    The whole purpose of the Bookings add-on is to manage bookable products, but if there’s no way to see a snapshot of total bookings for each day it kind of defeats the purpose. How would I know which dates are booking up quickly vs which dates are under-booked… there’s no way besides looking at each booking and manually adding the # of persons for each individual day, which would be impossible to keep accurate numbers on a daily basis. If I set a ‘max bookings per block’ and ‘booking duration’ is set to fixed block of 1 day, then the admin reporting should be able to tell me the number of Persons booked for each day and the number of remaining bookings available for each day. I’m surprised this isn’t already part of the plugin from version 1.