5 years old


We seem to be on a roll with recent milestones. Today is another significant one; We’re 5 years old!

To be an online business and to make it to 5 years is an achievement in itself. To be 5 years old and to be experiencing our best growth month-on-month yet is testament to the team that powers our product offering and to you, our loyal customers.

To celebrate, we’re doing it in true WooThemes birthday fashion – a big sale, a ‘Memorable’ theme release, and a specially-crafted custom website, highlighting some of the highlights of our journey.


View some of our business highlights in our ‘Memorable’ theme release birthday demo

48 hours of big discounts

Checkout with any of our themes, plugins or extensions and you’ll get a very useful saving of 25% off your product purchase.

Spend big, save bigger

That’s right if you really want to make the most of this promotion then spend big and the discount becomes even more attractive.

Get 25% off any product purchase on our site
Spend over $250 and the discount becomes 30% off your product purchase.
Spend over $500 and the discount becomes 35% off your product purchase.

Please note that club subscriptions are excluded from this promotion.

These discounts will all be auto-magically applied to your checkout cart when you go over the amounts specified above.

This promotion expires at 11.59pm 11th July (PST Time Zone) has now expired.

After 5 years of barely touching our product price points, and after much data analysis, we will be increasing our pricing in the next couple of weeks. This is not a decision we’ve made lightly, and is another good reason to take advantage of our birthday promotion. A further explanation of this will be provided in a blog post.

Thank you to all our customers for affording us our dream jobs. We look forward to the next 5 years and will try everything in our power to fill them with even more memorable milestones.

Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. Will club subscriptions be going up, or is it just related to the woocommerce products?

    July 9, 2013
    • We’ll be updating everyone and exactly which products will have prices increased in due time 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      July 9, 2013
      • No worries, but I guess with this discount involved it would be nice to know or your customers are basically shooting in the dark to be honest. If our current products that we have purchased are grandfathered I guess its ok but it seems a little uncertain here.

        July 9, 2013
        • Club subscribers will be grandfathered in, and that’s all the information we can provide at the moment.

          Mark Forrester
          July 9, 2013
          • Thanks Mark, and happy birthday woo

            July 9, 2013
          • English is not my mother tongue. As a foreigner I don’t understand what does mean to be grandfathered. Coul you explain clearly what Does it mean ? Thanks.

            July 9, 2013
          • Chris

            The term “grandfathered in” means that previously there were older, more user-friendly rules which were in effect at one point, and currently there are new and more strict rules which are in effect now, but because a person signed up under the older rules, while they were still in effect, that person can still benefit from the older user-friendly rules. Does that make any sense?

            July 9, 2013
      • I just just bought a theme minutes before your e-mail arrived. Will I be outcasted from the “celebrational” discount?

        July 9, 2013
        • Send us an email, we can help rectify that. – help[at]woocommerce.com

          Ryan Ray
          July 9, 2013
  2. Happy birthday, WooThemes! WOO! 😀

    Matty Cohen
    July 9, 2013
    • Matty, will you defend my case?
      (I just just bought a theme minutes before your e-mail arrived. Will I be outcasted from the “celebrational” discount?)

      July 9, 2013
  3. Happy birthday Woo! =) Looking for more interesting products from you guys. Its more interesting now that iThemes just released Exchange.

    July 9, 2013
  4. Happy Birthday Woo!! Hope you guys celebrate in style and I look forward to the next 5 years!!

    Kevin Gilbert
    July 9, 2013
  5. Happy birthday Woo, thanks for the themes you have built which have allowed me to build a business!

    This new theme is great looking and ideal for my latest venture!

    July 9, 2013
    • Venture away and let us know if you do use it! 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      July 9, 2013
  6. WooHoo! Happy birthday!

    July 9, 2013
  7. Happy Birthday guys! Wishing you many more years.

    July 9, 2013
  8. Happy Birthday!

    Just about to order a theme for an ecommerce project so will come in handy…

    All the best.

    Robin Scott
    July 9, 2013
  9. Congratulations WooTeam! Those 5 years have certainly flown by …

    July 9, 2013
  10. Happy Birthday to Woo!

    Stuart Duff
    July 9, 2013
  11. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y Woo Themes!!!!
    You guys create awesome tools for WordPress and I use them every day 😉

    Looking forward to what you do next!
    Maybe a Real Estate theme????

    Steve Dimmick
    July 9, 2013
  12. Happy birthday guys and definitely sharing the offer! 😉


    Sergio Felix
    July 9, 2013
  13. Happy birthday woo!

    i was hoping for a better discount offering though. :/ why dont you guys go for it all and offer 50 percent off like you used to? I was going to buy a bunch of extensions from you but i cant spend 500 bucks just to get 35 percent off.

    I just miss the great promos you used to launch that everyone could afford that were really attention getting.

    Happy birthday again!

    July 9, 2013
    • As our happiness reports suggest we are catering for a massive community of users. We hope our users understand the work required in maintaining and supporting such a large product offering and realise the value for money that are actually getting – allowing for a fully functional business site with ecommerce facilities.

      Mark Forrester
      July 9, 2013
  14. Happy Birthday Ninjas 🙂

    Quick question…

    If I buy Wooslider Unlimited License, is it a forever license, to use on as many sites as I like of mine and my clients… forever ?

    July 9, 2013
    • You got it!

      Maria Scarpello
      July 9, 2013
  15. I added developer cluc to cart.
    It says $18.75 / month and a $175 sign-up fee

    25% on $200 (sign-up fee) should be 150.
    Isn’t it?

    July 9, 2013
    • Hey Nelson as per our post club subscriptions are excluded from this promotion 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      July 9, 2013
      • But hey….take the 12.5% 🙂

        Happy Birthday Woo!

        July 9, 2013
  16. Happy Birthday. Thank you setting the WordPress Standards for others to follow.

    July 9, 2013
  17. Happy bday, but new theme cant be downloaded from our panel! :/

    July 9, 2013
  18. You rock. 🙂

    July 9, 2013
  19. Happy Birthday Woo ninjas 🙂

    July 9, 2013
  20. Great News. 97 themes, WOO(W). Happy Birthday!

    July 9, 2013
  21. Happy B’day Wishes. Woo Team !

    Design Blog
    July 9, 2013
  22. wow; you had 50% sale for less than this. 25% for the 5 year celebration? Money problems guys? Hope you will be better at the ten year one or you could see a 10% off celebration. And that would be…not so cool for some guys who started by forking someone elses work. To better days for you.

    July 9, 2013
  23. Happy Birthday Woo!

    July 9, 2013
  24. I am interested in the new theme Memorable. It is just the one time fee to purchase?

    Are there any other examples of sites that use this theme besides your demo?


    Sandra Centorino
    July 9, 2013
    • Theme packages are a once off purchase correct. I doubt there are any other usage examples of Memorable yet, seeing it’s just been launched, but I’m sure it won’t be long.

      Mark Forrester
      July 9, 2013
  25. Your prices have gone up tremendously over the last few years for instance your table rate shipping price has doubled since I bought and the price has certainly gone up on many more. This is not the best way to interact with your loyal customers by trying to feed us the line that you haven’t changed your prices for years, we are not stupid, that is why we came to you in the first place. Put your prices up on the woo commerce products and you will price yourselves out of the market and give a nice lead to your competitors. You are already doing so. You are about to loose my business and I am one of your platforms biggest advocates.

    Happy Birthday I hope you rethink your strategy as I would like to celebrate many birthdays to come as a loyal customer.

    July 9, 2013
    • Please. if a few dollars are breaking your business, you don’t have a very good business. The quality of Woocommerce platform is why people come back, not because they’re being cheap. Let’s remember core is still free.

      If you’ve built a business on Woocommerce and are complaining about a few bucks in price increases, you should be ashamed of yourself. Look in the mirror and think about how you’d like your business to be treated.

      Paul Graham
      July 9, 2013
      • I am talking about a already 100% price increase a $50 price increase and now plans for further increases above their market value my customers would not be happy with that either and I wouldn’t lie to them and explain the reason for the increase is because the price hasn’t changed. It is also fair warning that they are pricing themselves out of the market and if they are not careful they will loose their lead. I have supported this platform since before woo started with it and have been advocating it since its inception. Many people and their clients are using their platform and buying those plugins because I recommended them. I am not the enemy winging over a few dollars, my concerns are real and I certainly have nothing to be ashamed about.

        July 9, 2013
        • I agree with Serendipity’s statements. WooCommerce Extension prices have already been increased in the recent past. The original reasoning was to pay for more support staff etc. (If I recall correctly). That being said usually I still wait a few days if I have to fill out support tickets; which is kind of a bummer.

          I’m more than a bit concerned when you have developer license prices already at $150 to $299 range (to buy 2 of those hits the average users pocket book hard). How much farther will these go up? In addition to the single license prices that usually average $50 – $100.

          I too have recommended many individuals/clients to the platform and extensions. It’s hard to keep selling our clients on using the extensions when the fees keep increasing (and I’m not quibbling over a few dollars either); they already more often or not baulk at some of the current prices. I for one would hate to start having to recommend a different system. I <3 Woo products.

          July 9, 2013
          • Well, I used to recommend OS Commerce, then Magento, then Jigoshop, then lately I went with Woo Commerce but I think I will re do the math in the coming period. But for the moment, Happy Birthday.

            July 10, 2013
  26. Feliz Cumpleaños Ninjas 😉

    Estella Vidal
    July 9, 2013
    • Thank you very much, Estella! 😀

      Ryan Ray
      July 9, 2013
    • ¡Gracias! 🙂

      Patrick Rauland
      July 9, 2013
  27. I just just bought a theme minutes before your e-mail arrived. Will I be outcasted from the “celebrational” discount?

    July 9, 2013
    • Oh boy! I’m sure the WOO Team will help you with the same 🙂

      Raaj Trambadia
      July 9, 2013
    • Hi Corinna. 🙂

      Contact us via our help desk ( http://woocommerce.com/support/ ) and our accounts department will help you out. 🙂

      Matty Cohen
      July 9, 2013
  28. Congratulations fellas! You guys are rocking the industry! Wish a very happy birthday WoO ThEmEs! 🙂

    Raaj Trambadia
    July 9, 2013
  29. Fix the download of Memorable theme in Member Panel

    Memorable 1.0.0 2013-07-09 Changelog – Where is download link????

    July 9, 2013
    • The download link should now be available on your “Downloads” page. 🙂

      Matty Cohen
      July 9, 2013
      • See how you packed it, that package is missing “function” folder ;D

        July 9, 2013
        • Thanks for your feedback. The ZIP file has been updated and re-deployed.

          The latest version should be live within the next 5 minutes.

          Matty Cohen
          July 9, 2013
  30. I have been waiting for a sale finally thank you

    July 9, 2013
  31. Hi, guys! Happy Birthday!

    Your products have helped me a lot!

    I’m a club subscriber… Just one question… still there are a permanent discount for club members? If yes, can we use it at the same time with this discounts?


    July 9, 2013
    • Hi 🙂

      We’ve ended the promotion for our club subscribers, this was designed to be an introductory offering to our theme subscribers to introduce you to WooCommerce. We are looking into better ways of rewarding our club subscribers.

      Warren Holmes
      July 9, 2013
      • it’s a sad day to see that discount go without having something already in place for club members. 🙁

        would have been nice to get a notification regarding it’s removal for the club subscribers. i don’t remember seeing any communication about it unless i totally missed it.

        July 9, 2013
        • I just noticed that I got an birthday email from Woo for being a loyal subscriber (in addition to the sale) but when trying to use the information provided in that email (haven’t used it prior) it generates the following error:

          “Coupon usage limit has been reached.”

          Is this going to be fixed?

          July 9, 2013
          • All fixed up now 🙂

            Warren Holmes
            July 9, 2013
          • Hi Warren,

            It won’t let me reply to your post. The “fix” is only giving a discount based on the cart total.

            The email we received stated it would additional discount “off any product purchase”. So if we have 3 items in our cart and those 3 items are each 25% off those items would be and addition % off increasing along with your “spend $250 or more/spend $500 or more”

            July 9, 2013
          • I’ve been a loyal subscriber for quite some time, but haven’t received this mysterious email, is it going out in tranches?

            July 11, 2013
        • Yes, it’s sad that you didn’t send any notifications about the club subscribers discount not working any more.

          Alejandro Carrillo
          July 10, 2013
      • Hi, Warren.

        Why I didn’t get that email for been a loyal subscriber. What are the parameters you use to determine who and who not are loyal subscribers?

        I’ve been in the club since 2010 and don’t get any email.

        Alejandro Carrillo
        July 10, 2013
  32. Would it be possible for you to extend your sale until this Friday, July 12, at midnight, for those of us who have a regular J.O.B.?

    This Friday is payday for many of us!

    In fact, I will tell you a little marketing secret… If you always plan to close your sales on any given Friday, you will always get more sales from those of us still in the workforce. Some of us get paid this Friday and some of us will get paid the next Friday after that. Does that make any sense? LOL

    I love your WooCommerce Themes, eCommerce, and Plugins and want to purchase more…


    July 9, 2013
    • Solid marketing advice. Drop me an email and we’ll see what we can arrange for you.

      Mark Forrester
      July 9, 2013
      • Thank You Mark! I left a message on that page, but I did not receive a confirmation from the website. Hopefully you will still receive it. LOL

        Please let me know here if you don’t receive my message and I should be notified by this page and I will try again.


        July 9, 2013
  33. Happy Big 5 and many more!

    July 9, 2013
  34. You’re 5. I am a little older. But we both celebrate our birthday (verjaardag). Keep up the good work!

    Patrick Stainier
    July 9, 2013
    • Veels geluk!

      Mark Forrester
      July 9, 2013
  35. Hi Guys,

    I went to purchase the developers club license and am getting weird pricing.

    Yesterday when I was looking to buy it, it was $175 + $25 with an ongoing $25/mo after that. Now I get the following:

    $242.19 now then $23.44 / month

    I waited a day to buy it because I saw a sale was supposed to be going on for your 5 year, but now the price has increased? I just want to purchase it without the increased “sale” price if possible.

    Let me know, thanks.


    Jordan Iversen
    July 9, 2013
    • Hey Jordan

      Sorry about that! I’ve fixed that up now 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      July 9, 2013
  36. Happy 5 WooThemes, keep being awesome!

    July 9, 2013
  37. 5 years! Wooppy Wooday! 😉

    July 9, 2013
  38. Great, I just bought stuff for 353 $ in the last 7 weeks 🙁 Should have known before…

    July 9, 2013
  39. Mark&WOO all the best

    July 9, 2013
  40. I agree with Serendipity and Syrehn. Unfortunately, this birthday celebration is dampened by the mooted pricing increase. Regular customers know that you have pushed up the price points in recent years or given less for the same price (e.g. WooCommerce Extension single licence instead of unlimited). It would sad if the customers today are not around to celebrate your 10th birthday. Unless you want to intentionally drive them away and have a smaller community at a higher price to support in future

    July 9, 2013
    • Joy, Serendipity and Syrehn, I have the opposite perspective about pricing. I have long wanted to move over to WordPress eCommerce but until Woo no one has set themselves up as a solid business. It seems there has been an ethic to charge next-to-nothing for all WordPress themes and especially plug-ins.

      I am glad to see Woo adjusting prices toward a level that will really support growth, new functionality, and ever-improving tech support.

      For those of us who want to make $10,000 or $100,000 or more per year from our websites it seems smart to invest a few hundred dollars for the software that is the centerpiece of our business.

      July 9, 2013
      • Again, it’s not about minor dollar amounts. It’s also not fair to say that we don’t want to invest or have our companies/websites grow as, quite frankly, you don’t know how much we’ve individually invested. It’s about convincing our clients behind the reasons for updates when there have already been recent updates in prices. Saying “their hasn’t been many increases in several years” would be a flat out lie that both I and my clients are aware of.

        The last price update was supposed to support the growing need for staff for woocommerce support which sucked for an increase but would be worth it for support; as mentioned before, it doesn’t feel that support times for woocommerce/ resolution to woocommerce extension issues have gone down that much (at least not to me).

        Personally I have invested more than a few hundred dollars (try several hundred upwards) in my company on Woo extensions and would LOVE to continue supporting the platform so I’m waiting to hear in the upcoming blog post about this.

        July 9, 2013
        • Check back soon, I’ll be covering all our reasoning for this 🙂

          Warren Holmes
          July 10, 2013
  41. So exciting! Glad to be part of the team!

    Daniel Espinoza
    July 9, 2013
  42. Happy Birthday Woo Themes, I’m happy to be a part of the Woo Affiliate family. Your solutions, design, and approach towards business have been nothing short of innovative and inspiring! Keep up the great work. Wishing you all happiness and success.

    July 9, 2013
  43. Thank you to all our customers for affording us our dream jobs.

    And thank you for affording us extension developers to have our dream jobs!

    Congrats to everyone at WooThemes!

    July 9, 2013
    • You’re welcome, Brent 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      July 10, 2013
  44. hi, I want to buy a theme but would like some advice. I’m building an ecommerce store and would like to know what I should get for a small store less than 40 products. I want usps integration for shipping. Can I please get some advice? I’m ready to get started and i know I will need the help of the premium support promised by woo.

    July 10, 2013
    • Send us an email here. – help[at]woocommerce.com

      Include any existing sites you like, and anything else you need from your site, etc… 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      July 10, 2013
  45. Congratulations on this milestone. It takes a lot of effort and commitment to get this far. Keep up the good work!

    July 10, 2013
  46. Happy 5 Year B-Day, Woothemes! Here’s to another 5 dominate years!!! Cheers, Greg

    July 10, 2013
  47. Congratulations on your 5th year!

    Enjoying some of your recent themes and love the way they are getting more customisable and able to do so much with them – great support as well

    Here’s to the next five years!

    July 10, 2013
  48. Congratulations! Not only with your 5th birthday, but also what you have achieved in those five years. Thunderous applause! Up to the first decade…

    Wil Ransz

    July 10, 2013
    • Congratulations!

      July 11, 2013
    • Succes and Congratulations!

      July 11, 2013
  49. Happy Birthday Woo !!!

    Mahesh Ruparel
    July 10, 2013
  50. Happy birthday Woo!

    Bogdan Dimitrov
    July 10, 2013
  51. Firstly, congratulations! Secondly – bought a handful of Woocommerce extensions just a few days ago… thanks for nothing, guys!

    July 10, 2013
  52. I added all the possible plugins I wanted to my cart. I deleted a few. Now the $99 ones are not discounted at all.

    The purchase limits to get the better discounts are based on what? Original price?

    July 10, 2013
    • Hey Cindi

      The discounts should be applied as soon as you add them 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      July 10, 2013
  53. Hi,

    Why I didn’t get that email for been a loyal subscriber. What are the parameters you use to determine who and who not are loyal subscribers?

    I’ve been in the club since 2010 and don’t get any email.

    July 10, 2013
  54. Hi, guys

    Why I didn’t get that email for been a loyal subscriber? What are the rules you use to determine who and who not are loyal subscribers?

    I’ve been in the club since 2010 and don’t get any email.

    July 10, 2013
  55. Hi, guys

    Can you answer me about not receiving the loyal client e-mail? I really would like to take advantage on that disccount… I’ve been in the club since 2010

    July 10, 2013
    • I also joined in 2010. Did you check your Junk folders? Any alternate email address that notifications can go to? For some reason my notifications go to an old address. -__-;

      Side note. This loyal customer discount isn’t even working the way the email explained. So we’re not getting the additional discount we were lead to believe we would get based on the wording of the email.

      I want to wait to see if it gets fixed buuut the sale is about to end and I’ll be s.o.l since it takes so long for responses to emails 🙁

      July 10, 2013
    • I’ve sent you a mail 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      July 10, 2013
      • Hi Warren,

        Would you mind sending me that email as well? I’ve been a cub member for a long time as well and haven’t received anything…

        July 11, 2013
  56. So is it 25% or 35%? The header says 35% and your image says 25%.

    July 10, 2013
    • I believe it’s 35% off if you spend more than $500.

      July 10, 2013
  57. Happy Birthday Woothemes! You guys are awesome!

    July 11, 2013
  58. Is there a way to add multiple users to subscription account?

    I am making an app which will be subscription based, but is it possible for the main account holder to add sub accounts? Inside their “My Account” page.

    This is sort of like Netflix, where you can add someone else to the account, but included in the base rate.


    July 11, 2013
    • Subscription accounts, in our WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, are tied to a single user. 🙂

      In future, please post a ticket to our Help Desk where our ninjas can assist in answering your query. 🙂

      Matty Cohen
      July 11, 2013
  59. Happy Birthday Woocommece……

    July 11, 2013
  60. Haven´t said happy birthday and congratz to you guys yet so I´ll do that now with this comment. Thanks for the campaign and for making so many good looking themes. But that new theme for me might be memorable in function(like the slider using it´s own icons depending on what format the post is and such) but other than that kind of things it feels just as a normal theme from you.

    On Topic is more of a Memorable theme than the theme itself XD

    Still, keep up the good work to bring us wonderful themes and giving us all these inspirational designs.

    Makes me as inspiring designer drool and want to improve on everything that I do.

    July 11, 2013
  61. Hi there and Happy Birthday Woo. I was introduced to you this morning here in the UK and I think I’m happy to roll with you guys and writing the brief to the coder and designer BUT I see a discount! When does it shut off (which I assume is later today) – we’re going to be hard pressed to decide on everything we need at such short notice (i.e. widgets for the woocommerce we’ll need)

    July 11, 2013
    • Contact us if you need help deciding, we’re happy to try and work something out for you! –> help[at]woocommerce.com

      Ryan Ray
      July 11, 2013
  62. Happy Birthday Woo am still learning about you through lynda.com and I wish I knew about you earlier, wish you all the best and am happy to find you guys

    Haitham Hejji
    July 11, 2013
  63. I just put in over $250 worth of plugins into my cart, but I’m still only getting 25% off instead of the 30% off. Can you assist?


    July 11, 2013
  64. happy birthday. 🙂
    welcome to my site http://cauthangthudo.vn/

    July 12, 2013
  65. Happy Birthday Woo! 🙂

    July 12, 2013

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