A hot summer selection of new WooCommerce extensions


Summer has arrived! Over here in the UK we’re experiencing a phenomenon of a heat wave, so, what better way to celebrate than with BBQs, cold beers, and new WooCommerce extensions, right?!

Hot off the presses this week we’re releasing some exciting extensions which offer;

  • RMA management (Manage, Sell, Facilitate Easy Returns and Warranties)
  • Automatic PDF invoice creation
  • Authorize.net reports (direct to you inbox)

Take a look and remember to let us know your favourite:

Buy now $79.00

PDF Invoices

Automatically create and attach a fully customizable PDF invoice to the completed order email.

Buy now $49.00

Authorize.Net Reporting

This WooCommerce extension allows you to Get Daily Transaction Reports via Email for your Authorize.net account.

Buy now $99.00

Returns and Warranty Requests

Manage the RMA process, add warranties to products, and let customers request and manage returns/exchanges from their account.

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
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  1. Marien
    July 25, 2013

    What about invoices, will it make a credit invoice automatically? If I were to use the warranty plugin.

    Because it needs to be correct in the books when something is returned or refunded.

    • sgoldblatt
      July 25, 2013

      Currently WooCommerce doesn’t support credit memos or notes. This is on the roadmap for v2.1 I believe, and we will support at that time.

      For now, this is a way for you to consolidate the management of, track and communicate, and sell warranties for your products/services through your awesome WooCommerce stores!

  2. allmyhoney
    July 25, 2013

    Obviously there is a difference here but can someone point out the difference between this PDF Invoice extension and the http://woocommerce.com/products/print-invoices-packing-lists/ extension. I know the latter has the packing lists but is there a fundamental difference here? Any invoice on the differences would be great. Thanks for you time.

  3. Plippers
    July 25, 2013

    I kind of feel like pdf invoices should have been added to WC as core function rather than a paid for extension. I know you have to buy your groceries somehow, but as is my understanding of the WC concept, things that are everyday functionality that store owners (and customers of stores) would expect to find would be built into the core files. Most online stores produce pdf invoices automatically…

    Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part however…

    I’m sure someone from Woo (or a devout follower) will be along shortly with their side of this – and I’m all ears. I’m just throwing a friendly opinion out. 🙂

    • Johnny
      July 26, 2013

      I completely agree with this! Invoices with sequential ordering is a crucial functionality for every store. At the end, we are legally bound to issue invoices and keep copies for our financial books. I completely don’t understand why WooCommerce is lacking invoices.

  4. Jones
    July 25, 2013

    As I understand, this pdf invoice IS NOT sent to the customer with the first email where the order details are? How come?

    • Andrew Benbow
      July 26, 2013


      In most countries an invoice is a legal document that should not be changed once issued. Obviously you can modify an order right up to the point that you ship it. Once you have shipped the order the details are fixed so the invoice is created

  5. bpluijms
    July 29, 2013

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for the wonderfull PDF invoice plugin.

    I’ve added support for PDF Invoice to our WooCommerce DYMO Print plugin.

  6. franklin x
    August 15, 2013

    What about the Woocommerce Custom T-shirt Designer extension ?

    Will it always stay at codecanyon ( http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-custom-tshirt-designer/5185471 ) ?? Or there is any plan to bring it on woothemes site too ??

  7. Logan
    August 19, 2013


    Thanks for the url of that extraordinary extension (Woocommerce Custom Thirt Designer ) and I think it is better if it stays at codecanyon, because that way it is much cheaper in cost 🙂

    Thank you once again.

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