Another Day, Another Milestone

We’ve just passed another milestone at WooThemes; our 200,000th order has just been placed and in true WooThemes fashion we want to celebrate that with you!

So, for the next 24 hours you’ll be able to get some of our awesome products for 25% off.


We’ve selected what we think are great plugins to get you started with a new site, or improve an existing one.

What is on special?

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You’ll need something to help you engage your visitors before you’ve launched the site. Go get See You Later for 25% off.

Need a great theme design? We’ve got you covered with our most Memorable theme.

If you’re in the eCommerce business, you’re going to need our awesome Table Rate Shipping to help make shipping your goods an easier experience. And to top it all off, you can get our best selling Products Add-ons extension which allows you to capture any extra information you may need fro your customer when they purchase your product.

To sum up, the following products are available for 25% off:

Just use the coupon code 200k and you’ll get 25% off all the products listed above.

You can choose one of the products, all of the products or just a few them to get your discount, but make sure to get something; this sale is only on for the next 24 hours!

This special is now over, thanks for taking part!
Warren Holmes Avatar



  1. Hi Steven,

    I’m sorry if the recent price increase was a surprise for you. We did however warn about price increases in our previous sale in July.

    Although we have raised our prices, it is natural for any business to continue have sales or discounts.

    Magnus Jepson
    August 15, 2013
    • I agree with Steven.

      You state in a post that you need to make more money in order to support your products.

      If we average out your order value at $49 and times that by 200,000 you get the nice tidy sum of $9.8m.

      Even if your average order value is just $20 your total revenue would be $4m.

      If anything woothemes should be lowering the price, not doubling it!

      August 15, 2013
      • Lower the price back down a level and create a renewing support tier package instead (x number of tickets per year, 1 ticket for x amount)….

        I know this won’t happen but I have such wishful thinking. 🙁

        August 15, 2013
      • Luke, to elaborate on your projection: $9.8 divided by 5 years of salaries and other business expenses, along with allocation of capital investment into new products.

        There are many, many companies that are going bankrupt due to the traditional cost-reduction, price-cutting methodologies promoted by cost accountants:

        Cutting prices provides for a temporary advantage, but results in a strategic weakness.

        I’ve chosen Woothemes as a cornerstone of my own business initiatives – and although higher prices makes me wince slightly, I value highly the confidence that Woothemes provides by their business savvy.

        I’d rather pay more to ensure they stay in business.

        August 16, 2013
    • I agree with Steven on this. Bumping up your prices by as much as 100% without notice a few months in advance is extremely sad !!
      I had my quotes sent to clients who required the features from many of ur plugins for woocommerce n some themes. Iv hit big losses on quotes that I have filled for the next 3 months…n these are substantial for an individual

      August 16, 2013
  2. You guys are absolutely awesome! I had no clue about how to set up a business online but an internet-business specialist, Heather Porter, recommended I do it with woothemes. And within a few weeks everything is set up and looking gorgeous and much more professional than I’d ever imagined. And I’m using woothemes to build my sister’s business website too, and that is going smoothly and looking wonderful too!
    Congratulations on your 200,000 sales. You help make a lot of people’s lives easier. And about the recent price increases, I actually thought your original prices were too cheap – quality is great, and so is the documentation and help/support. It’s important to value your services properly – not over priced, but not too low either.
    Thank you so much for being awesome, Woothemes!

    August 15, 2013
    • Thanks Angela 🙂 Good luck with the next site!

      Warren Holmes
      August 15, 2013
    • Angela, thanks for the kind words! You rock!

      Joel Bronkowski
      August 15, 2013
  3. Look, your themes and plugins helped me – someone with absolutely no tech skills – to set up a successful online store. Imagine that! It also was way cheaper than having to pay a techie to develop it for me. In my eyes, you rock.

    Just thought you need to hear from some happy customers again

    August 15, 2013
    • Hey Deon, really appreciate you taking the time to share your kind words with us. We wish you great success!

      Joel Bronkowski
      August 15, 2013
  4. Congratulation Wootheme,

    I think there are a lot of bad feedback for your recent price change. For me, there is no problem with the price change since we are using those plug-in for our business as well.

    But i hope that you double your price, you double your support and speed for new product.

    Customer is always the main power for a business to success. Listen to them.


    August 15, 2013
    • Thanks Adrian. We’re constantly optimising our support and product release cycles, yes. 🙂

      Matty Cohen
      August 15, 2013
  5. The feedback from Adrian and DeonTerblanche if it werent real i would say its someone joking around with fake comments. After all, its not that often that we see customers writting testiminionals so happy about a company doubling their prices. Table Rate Shipping jumped from 99$ to 199$? «Thank you WooThemes, thank you for your kindness».

    Too many support tickets? Then create a tier to who requests many support tickets. I only created one ticket and it was basically to help… But im wrong so why do this, lets just double prices instead.

    Too many support tickets? Of course, i discovered a small bug in the swatches plugin i had to open a support ticket. I dont quite understand why plugins not developed in house doesnt have a way for me to contact directly the author. But im wrong so why do this, lets just double prices instead.

    Too many support tickets? Of course, the way the “pretending-to-be-forum” is built is completely non-functional. Every woocommerce extension should have its own subforum where everything is acessible easily. WooCommerce Extensions > Subcat > Name of the extension > list of requests. But im wrong so why do this, lets just double prices instead.

    I dont even know why i bothered writting this comment. Because you guys have all the pre-made answers “there’s too many support tickets” type. 199$ for the table rate shipping extension… i think im gonna create some support tickets for everything (:

    Pedro Nave
    August 15, 2013
    • Pedro,

      I am real Human and real customer. Haha..

      August 15, 2013
    • Hi Pedro,

      Thanks the feedback. I think it is important to point out that only a select few of our extensions went from $99 to $199 and those were the products that were extremely support and development intensive.

      WooCommerce is a free plugin helping thousands of users take their businesses to new heights. On a regular basis we receive comments from users that are extremely happy we exist. Our support devs are the best in the business and as support demands have increased we had to make some changes to ensure we can stick around for the long haul.

      It is up to you to decide if you trust our reasoning behind the price changes. All we can really say at this stage is we are committed to providing incredible products and taking great care of our customers.

      Joel Bronkowski
      August 15, 2013
    • I couldn’t have said it better myself. BTW, those comments couldn’t be faker. Price increases and all. I found that Woothemes is the still the better option for building sites (in my opinion), so I will unhappily pay the the crazy prices.

      August 15, 2013
    • Hate to break it to you, Pedro, but there are actually a lot of us who love low prices…but would rather see the service providers we depend on look after their bottom line responsibly. I would selfishly love Woo to keep rock-bottom pricing. Who wouldn’t? But I would much rather them still be around 5 years from now. That’s called smart business…and there’s nothing fake about my support of that!

      August 15, 2013
  6. I’m starting my site on woocommerce. I’m searching for more great addons and considering changing theme… 🙂

    August 15, 2013
  7. Hi,
    In Poland, the simple shopping can be done for 600-800 $. One-time fee with option to purchase technical care. WooCommerce was supposed to be an alternative for me – now it’s not.

    Bay Woo … and good luck …

    August 15, 2013
  8. I wasn’t happy with many others from that previous blog post, however that was all sorted out, so no need to go on about it any longer.

    Prices increase, that’s life. If they didn’t I’d still be paying 7p for a can of coke. It means I can’t afford to buy as many items, but that’s just something I have to live with.

    The support is good, the products are excellent. What more can you ask for?

    August 15, 2013
    • I forgot to say congratulations on your sales, so…

      Congratulations 😀

      August 15, 2013
  9. Just wanted to chime in as a satisfied customer. I’m finding WooCommerce and Local Pickup Plus just what I needed to complete my e-commerce site. But I’m a relative beginner with WordPress and need a lot of support. I find WooThemes support to be just great! And it’s quick. (It’d be even quicker if I didn’t live so many time zones away.)

    I don’t know about the price raises — they haven’t affected me much in that I’m a relatively new customer and am not comparing anything to anything. In addition to Local Pickup Plus that I use with WooCommerce which was free, I bought Memorable, SuperStore and Woo Store and am happy with all the products and their attendant service.

    My only regret is that I got Memorable before the 25% off sale 🙂 But that’s just the luck of the draw.

    Anyway, as the survivor of two tech startups, I know what you guys are facing and what it takes to stay in business and so . . . wish you all the luck in the world. Keep up the good work.


    August 15, 2013
    • Thanks for your positive feedback Martin!

      Magnus Jepson
      August 15, 2013
  10. Just wanted to chime in on the congrats and thanks for all the great stuff you do; the free plugins you have given to others to use (even in competing commercial themes), contributions to WP Core, and your ongoing support for OLD themes.

    Those of us who have been using WordPress for the past 10 years professionally, and who understand a business is a for profit venture and not a charity, understand the costs of doing business (servers, bandwidth, support, processing fees, affiliate payments, taxes, etc.), and *do* appreciate all your great work and contributions to the WP community as a whole.

    There will always be those in the “free economy” who will complain about price increases, however stick to your guns (or plowshares) and keep making GOOD, solid, clean, secure and worthwhile products. The end result is always priceless.


    Christopher S.

    Christopher Simmons
    August 15, 2013
  11. can you offer a option when webmasters who dont need support buy things you say you had to raise prices being people were asking for support,

    so offer a option with no support

    August 15, 2013
    • +1

      August 15, 2013
      • why do people like us need to pay for the people who create support tickets all day,

        I have never created one ticket and have bought over 22 plugins

        August 15, 2013
    • We won’t ever be doing that. Simply because we want to make sure that whenever we sell a product to someone that we’re able to provide them with support that ensures they’ll have a great experience with our product, and ultimately with our company.

      You might not have raised a ticket yet, but when you do we’ll be there to assist you 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      August 15, 2013
  12. Hi Woo,

    Congratulations on 200,000 sales – massive milestone. The fact that you have had to increase prices now means only means to me that you have been the 1st of the big dogs to do so.

    I have nothing but great experience of dealing with the team and I do mean great, I was once purchased a theme a few days before superstore dropped and when I asked for a swap you hooked me up within hours, nobody has ever done that for free in my experience.

    In terms of price rises:

    I think a better customer experience would be to have increased revenues by creating packages related to the add-on’s and align the level and scope of support accordingly, this would have avoided the smaller traders feeling stung and prevented a % backlash.

    For context see modern mobile phone tariff solutions, like O2 REFRESH.

    I would happily volunteer to help out with customer experience and communication (it is my day job) if you want to take advantage of some free perspective feel free to get in touch.

    200,000 wow, next stop a million – am sure you will do it.

    Liam Brennan
    August 15, 2013
    • Thanks for the kind words, Liam 🙂

      Warren Holmes
      August 15, 2013
  13. This is the main reason why I won’t buy something in your latest sale.

    In the past I would buy plugins that I felt I may use in the future because it was on sale. Most often though the plugin would not be used. That was a plus for you because you got paid but never had to provide me with support. It was a plus for me too, because I locked in at a lower price.

    But now things are different since you changed the rules. If I buy a plugin today and don’t use it within a year and don’t renew then you say I have to repurchase again at full price. No upgrade price for you!

    Even if I save 25% today, I will still have to pay 100% later. That means doing what I did before will now cost me 25% more, not save me any money.

    From now on I will not be buying any plugins until the day I am ready to start using them in a project. I can’t imagine why someone would choose to disincentivize their customers from buying more plugins than they would probably have bought when it didn’t cost them more to do so.

    August 15, 2013
    • Sorry, I got that wrong. It will cost me 75% more, not 25% more.

      August 15, 2013
      • You’ve turned what was once a fixed asset to me into a depreciating asset. Each month if it doesn’t get used it’s worth less and less, until it’s worth zero at the 12 month mark.

        The 25% discount effectively becomes neutral after 3 months if you are not using the plugin from the day you purchased it because after 3 months you have lost 25% of the value.

        August 15, 2013
    • I have to agree @farrel on this one.

      As neat as these plugins are I just can’t afford to invest in the new model like I did before unless it’s going to be used in a current project; which is unfortunate since I do like to spend money on my business (not throw it away).

      All that aside congratulations on reaching your milestone.

      On a side note related to the “See You Later” plugin… have you made this responsive yet? In the post about it’s initial release there was numerous questions that seemed to go unanswered as to why the demo and plugin was not responsive. Is it going to be in the future?

      August 15, 2013
  14. Congratulations Woocommerce Team! Your producs are great. About price increase. everyone wants to pay less, but I think it’s fair.

    August 16, 2013
  15. I want to add to the compliments on an amazing job! I am shocked at the negative comments, and I’m not sure how anyone could use your products and complain! WooThemes has been an invaluable resource to my holistic healthcare startup, without your AMAZING support I don’t know where I would be. We have very little revenue right now, and every single penny I have spent on your products has been worth it’s weight in gold. I have never been this happy with the level of customer support I received from a theme or plugin and I wish you 200,000 more sales, I for sure will be one of your happy customers sending new leads your way!!

    Thank you for all that you do and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    August 16, 2013
    • That’s an awesome testimonial for our support team! Thanks so much 🙂

      Magnus Jepson
      August 16, 2013
  16. Congratulations, you’s are passing milestones nearly every time I visit the site!

    Your themes and plugins make my job easier, and allow me to give my clients a better service.

    Just out of curiosity have those orders all been placed from within the same store?
    Can a single wooCommerce store/database handle 200k orders?

    Carl Aiau
    August 16, 2013
    • We’ve had 3 different systems since 2008 (aMember, custom and WooCommerce), so not all orders have been placed in WC, but WC can handle it as we have imported most of our old orders 🙂

      Magnus Jepson
      August 16, 2013
  17. Damn, I bought the Products Add-On plugin 2 days ago… :/

    Like others have said, I now buy specific Themes and Plugins as and when I need them, so I would prefer continuous good pricing rather than ad-hoc discounts…

    August 16, 2013
  18. Congratulations on the 200K orders milestone!

    I was about to move my site from Magento to Woocommerce. But, the recent hike in price structure pushes my plan to the back. I think the price increase lacks 1 important point: customer group. There are basically 2 types of Woothemes customer here. One that make moneys out of the service and one that use the themes and plugins directly on their site. The latter group of customer (like me) doesn’t have much budget (hence doing it on their own rather than hiring someone). The new price structure I think should be more friendly towards customers that for example wanted use 1 theme and several plugin on their site only. The table rate plugin is a good example in this case. It’s too expensive for a single website usage.

    August 16, 2013

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