Inside our Brand


The current design has been around for about 3 years now, which is a lifetime on the internet. The design still serves us well and we’ve made plenty of data-driven, growth hacking type improvements and experiments over the years – which has helped refine the design to be a very successful one for us.

One thing we never really had was a detailed style guide for our brand, and ultimately our website. This was mostly due to the fact that we were only a couple of ‘in-house’ designers that worked on the site, along with our co-founders from time to time. All of us helped craft our brand and website – so we were all on the same page with regards to our design guidelines (for the most part at least!).

All that is slowly starting to change, and soon we’ll have more designers on board to help out on projects. This created the necessity for a style guide to refer our new designers and team members to. Ensuring everyone understands our brand and the values we want it to portray in our marketing and user experience efforts.

The WooThemes color palette.
The WooThemes color palette.

You can see our new style guide in action. You’ll see it covers basic brand assets, for example our logo and guidelines on how to use it, with a link to download .svg & .png versions of the logo. Along with the brand guidelines, we’ve included basic styling guidelines for common elements used across the site.

Logo and name guidelines.
Logo and name guidelines.

Our initial thoughts were to keep the style guide internal, only giving our team members access to this resource. After some discussion we decided to have it as a public facing page, visible to everyone, as we want to showcase our brand transparently and how proud we are of it’s evolution.

The typography used across
The typography used across

This style guide is a constant work in progress, and we’ll be working on refining and expanding on it in the coming months. It’s also laid the groundwork for a long overdue front- and back-end clean on the WordPress theme. We’re working hard on some behind the scenes optimisations for the site that we hope to share more about soon.

View the Style Guide

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  1. ckubs
    April 14, 2014

    Hello, spotted some promissing news regarding new themes in this articlke but I have one question. A while back you said something about an all new Woo panel. When will it be ready? 🙂

    • James Koster
      April 22, 2014

      Not too long to wait now… 🙂

    • Matty Cohen
      Woo staff
      April 22, 2014

      Hi there,

      I assume you’re referring to an updated WooFramework?

      This is currently undergoing internal testing. We will announce the roll-out plan in a dedicated blog post in due course.

      Testing and Q.A is a phase we prefer not to rush through, so please bare with us. 🙂

  2. Gareth Allison
    Woo staff
    April 15, 2014

    Lovin’ it! Good job guys.

  3. jdistad
    April 15, 2014

    How about a theme for March??

    • Ckubs
      April 16, 2014

      How about stopping the stress and leaving them alone to respond atlast to my question?!

      • jdistad
        April 18, 2014

        Sorry, how about we take turns holding our breath while we wait for them to answer either??

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