Join our support team


WooCommerce is quickly becoming our most popular and most supported product line. While we continue to optimize our passive resources, demand for individual support is continuing to increase.

We are currently seeking qualified applicants for the position of WC Support Technician. The position is full-time and requires a developer with intimate knowledge of both WooCommerce and WooThemes.

The position involves answering support requests, spotting and acting upon request trends, and working to continuously improve all product channels.

The applicant must be self disciplined, self motivated, team minded, and willing to travel on occasion (WooTrips).

Our current WC ninjas contribute to operations in a variety of ways based on interest and skill level so there is definite room for growth.

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. samuelmaes
    May 2, 2013

    Hi Mark,

    Is this position for a developer only? Is being a Developer a must for this role, or would experience in customer management make a valid application??

    Many Thanks

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      May 2, 2013

      We say developer as you need to know the ins and outs of how WooCommerce, themes, extensions, and WordPress works.

      When a ticket is submitted you need to be able to quickly troubleshoot and debug what potential errors could be happening and provide answers or pass on as a potential bug, feature request, etc…

      So you can definitely leverage experience as a customer manager in how you’ve dealt with customers before, but we still need technical chops too! 🙂

  2. samuelmaes
    May 2, 2013

    Hey Ryan,

    Thanks for the reply. Can anyone claim to know the ins and outs of everything? Nobody knows “everything” 🙂 no matter how much they try :).

    I know my way around the systems well, i understand the code, sometimes i can even write it. I built my current employers whole web experience from what is directly available here, so i’ve had some experience with your products :).

    I’ll put my name to the list, Maybe.

    Thankyou 😀

    • Elliot
      May 3, 2013

      Smiley overload 🙂

      • meloniq
        May 3, 2013

        Where is the ‘Like’ button for comments?! 😀

  3. zigvt85
    May 3, 2013

    I would be good for the online support. However the traveling is what stops me from applying I can not afford to travel.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      May 3, 2013

      Our WooTrips are almost 100% covered in costs, at least your ticket and lodging. Souvenirs, some food & drinks, etc… aren’t paid for. 😉

      • vegaskev
        May 3, 2013

        Can I just pretend to be an employee and get my trips covered while I hang out with the Woo Crew? lol j/k.

  4. mapperkids
    May 3, 2013


    My question is WHO will the WooCommerce / Woo themes, extensions INS and OUTS before having a chance to work on the product or part of your development team?

    If that person exist, he/she may already developed a clone product of WooCommerce/ Woo Themes already.

    • zigvt85
      May 3, 2013

      Why would someone risk the chance of cloning a good/popular script. Usually clones are made to be UN-discovered. Such as youtube clones and google clones etc they get banned or community isn’t great at all. I think to this date WooCommerce is the best store option for wordpress lots of free community plugins built by donations and so on. Anyone who makes a clone of this script wont go far cause we all love the original lol is my point.

    • Coen Jacobs
      May 4, 2013

      We have a ton of third party developers working with our code. Note that our WooCommerce plugin GitHub repository is publicly accesible, so everyone can jump in, contribute and make extensions based on our code.

      There is no need to have access to other extensions to make your own. We have plenty of documentation available to make your own fun products based on our plugin. That’s the power of our plugin and open source in general.

  5. SproutIdeas
    May 4, 2013

    Hi Mark and Team, does the new ninja need to work in person, or does the woo-crew operate in virtual office conditions?

    • Coen Jacobs
      May 4, 2013

      We work all over the globe – quite literally. Our HQ is in Cape Town, South Africa, but a lot of us are based all over Europe and America.

      So it doesn’t matter where you are based, you will work remote.

  6. justnews
    May 10, 2013


  7. adi28
    May 10, 2013

    nice template

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