More WooCommerce Goodness

We promised you continual and significant upgrades & new features for WooCommerce and we plan to keep to that promise, especially since it’s already been downloaded over 5,000 times in 7 days!

Today we are launching a premium WooCommerce theme, 3 payment gateway extensions and a product enquiry extension too.

Argentum: A responsive online shop theme

You read that right, a responsive online shop, and trust us that’s harder to make then you think, yet minimally styled, with slick CSS3 goodness to allow for further customizations.

Argentum is a WooCommerce theme featuring a unique, responsive design optimised for mobile devices. It is the perfect theme for selling your catalog of products, small or large to users at their desktop computers, or on their smartphones.

The homepage showcases your featured and recent products while providing 2 widgetised areas, and a space for your latest blog post. Argentum also comes with custom shortcodes to add a sticky note with shop information, and a sale flash banner.

As you would expect, each and every WooCommerce widget / template / shortcode has been styled to match the Argentum aesthetic and elegantly scale depending on the viewing device.

There’s loads of nifty css3 enhancements such as subtle animation, drop shadows and border radiuses as well as laboriously refined typographical rules and hierarchy to match the beautiful custom typeface.

View this beauty on our demo site, make sure you scale the browser window, and view it on your iPhone, Android or iPad. Find out more about the theme’s key features on the theme listing page.

Grab Argentum with an 11% discount coupon, valid until 13 October. Just use ARGENTUM11 as your coupon code on checkout. 🙂

UK and South African payment gateway extensions

Given Mike and Jay are UK based, and WooHQ is down in South Africa we chose to launch some more payment gateways that we know are locally in demand. That’s not saying we are forgetting about all the gateways being requested on the ideas board – we are already working on more.

For South African web developers and designers you know have the option to integrate PayFast or VCS with your WooCommerce installation, for the English we’ve now got the hugely powerful SagePay covered.

View all extensions

Product enquiry extension

If you run the type of online shop that gets a lot of potential customers emailing you before committing to the checkout page, then this extension is for you. Perhaps you sell expensive products that usually require some customer research first? This extension adds another tab on your product page where a customer can email the store master some questions, feedback, notes. Each email received will be linked to the product in the subject line. Nifty hey?

The WooCommerce product enquiry extension
Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
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  1. Freddie
    October 6, 2011

    Looks fantastic! The fact that it’s optimised for both desktop & smartphone/mobile devices viewing is a win win! 🙂 Great work Woo!

  2. Suren H
    October 6, 2011

    Wow! Woo guys are rocking always! The WooCommerce themes are amazing!

    Argentum Theme’s additional payment systems are making more improvements 🙂

    • Ryan Ray
      October 6, 2011

      Those payment systems aren’t limited to Argentum, can use with any installation of WooCommerce. 🙂

  3. WhiteKnightUK
    October 6, 2011

    Nice guys! I respect continual fast improvements of both your themes on WooCommerce 😀

  4. Jesse
    October 6, 2011

    Any news on that mysterious 30% off coupon you promised club members OR any news on the “lets make our long time subscribers who have already waited over a year wait longer for no reason” subscription upgrade option?

  5. Sarah
    October 6, 2011

    That was quick! I wasn’t expecting one so early this month. Thanks.

    BTW – any plans to do a new magazine theme?

  6. Alejandro
    October 6, 2011

    yes, this was so quick! Congratulations! 🙂

  7. Andy Joe
    October 6, 2011

    Ha! “Nifty HEY!” Now I know this post was written by one of your South African team members! Man I miss the rainbow nation.

    • Mark Forrester
      October 6, 2011

      The rainbow nation still has space for you! 😉

  8. Ronny
    October 6, 2011

    Now it goes slowly but sometimes with the Woocommerce. I hope next is again a reasonable theme. The last 13 themes for me were completely unusable. You should just think of the needs of other customers and not on what brings you the most money …

    I’m beginning to wonder what I pay here, if written for my needs no theme. I’ve said many times what I expect of you, but until now was always ignored. Instead, a bussines theme was written after the other. Even the magazines available themes are not exactly the best

    • Magnus
      October 6, 2011

      We have focused on some WC themes after our launch of WC, but will be back to our normal schedule later this month.

      Please understand that we can’t cater for every user when we release themes, and if you aren’t happy you can always opt to purchase the themes you do like instead of subscribing to the club.

      • Ronny
        October 6, 2011

        And what does the schedule look like? Well that’s again a very great answer! Then I paid the 100 dollars for nothing or what?

        Where I’ve joined the club were still more so-Themes published magazines. But now only be published business themes. Themes are also magazines with you not just imaginative. If you would you give to the Magazine themes only half as much trouble as with the business subjects I would have to be peace. I’m curious when the next magazine theme emerges and whether it is as bad again as the last.

        I know that my criticism is very hard, but I do not like paying money for something I really do not need, so I think it is time for a really good time-Magazine Theme. You need not write again now that the last are the best selling themes.

        You should finally begin to think not only about money, but also due to meet the needs of your customers who are interested not only in business-themes.

        • Mark Forrester
          October 6, 2011

          Hi Ronny,

          I have a feeling our next couple themes are right up your alley, at least I hope so… One focussing on team blogging and a particular newspaper/magazine theme designed by Andy Rutledge.

          • Frank McClung
            October 7, 2011

            Can’t wait to see Rutledge’s theme. Should be a knockout.

  9. Alex
    October 6, 2011

    Really nice theme.

  10. Michael
    October 6, 2011

    Off topic, but where can I find that PEACE tshirt online?! Nice design.

  11. Michael
    October 6, 2011

    Nevermind, Palmer Cash.

    • Mark Forrester
      October 6, 2011

      Nice P.I. work. “WooCommerce helping you to find great tees!”

  12. Lana
    October 6, 2011


  13. Jimmy
    October 6, 2011

    Love the new theme!

    Question before purchasing:

    Any more WooCommerce themes that are optimized for mobile devices coming out this month?

    I REALLY like this one, but don’t want to buy if there is one even better coming out next week.

    Thanks, Jimmy

    • Mark Forrester
      October 6, 2011

      I think it’s safe to say this will be the only responsive theme this month! Nothing in the pipeline yet.

      • Jimmy
        October 6, 2011

        Thanks very much Mark!
        I have to say.. It looks really good on my iPad and iPod Touch.

        I also noticed that you can demonstrate it’s versatility simply by resizing your browser… Very cool!

  14. Mika
    October 7, 2011

    Do you plan to add a recurring payment module to WC ? 🙂

  15. nichs
    October 7, 2011

    love this theme, great stuff. it would be even better for me with space on homepage to give info on shop etc ie slider. might this be possible?

    • Ryan Ray
      October 7, 2011

      I don’t know if we’ll put a slider in, but you can definitely do so with the right knowledge. 🙂

  16. Jimmy
    October 7, 2011

    On my current site I use PayPal standard. I don’t collect any customer info onsite- They are just redirected to my PayPal page to fill in details.

    Can I use WooCommerce in this way?

    Or is it that the customer will only have to fill in basic info and NOT credit card details?

    Thanks, Jimmy

    • Ryan Ray
      October 7, 2011

      Yup, you can definitely do it in this way. You can enable guest checkout and users don’t even need to register. If they do want to register it only collects shipping/billing info to send to PayPal.

  17. Wolforg
    October 7, 2011

    Hello, I’ve translated today this awesome plugin in french. Feel free to download this translation here :

    Best Regards,

  18. Garrett
    October 7, 2011

    Guys – these demo sites for Woocommerce seem to be running exceptionally slow, in comparison to other demos.

    Any reasons why? I want to be sure about the speed of the Woocommerce platform before making a purchase decision.


    • Jay
      October 7, 2011

      Is it any theme in particular? Or just all WooCommerce themes, child themes included? The demo server is often under a lot of stress and sometimes performance is below par due to the huge traffic.

      You could try installing WooCommerce with our free theme on your own server to check performance. I’m confident you wont be disappointed 🙂

      • Garrett
        October 7, 2011

        It seems like all Woocommerce themes are having the issue. Maybe it’s just me? Not something you’re hearing elsewhere?

        I’ve definitely installed the plugin locally, but haven’t bought the theme yet. Need a little bit more successful demo-ing before that.

        • Ryan Ray
          October 7, 2011

          You can test it with the free Wootique theme is what he’s saying. 🙂

  19. Jimmy
    October 7, 2011

    Last Presale Question: (I Promise!)

    With the Argentum theme- I would like to use 5 product photos on each page.
    Is there an way to do something like this:

    I guess I’m thinking about some type of gallery plugin. My concern is if I put something like NextGen gallery or use any script- Would it re-size to work on other devices tablets or iPhones etc. ?

    Does your lightbox popup accommodate more than 1 image?

    Or do I just need to use html and make a row of thumbnails? If so- will they also popup like your lightbox effect?

    Thanks, Jimmy

    • Jay
      October 7, 2011

      You can add as many images as you like to your products e.g. 🙂

      • Jimmy
        October 7, 2011

        Thanks, I’ll make the purchase.

        But could you give me Dummy products pages to populate my site. Like what is used in the demo?

        Especially needed is the code you used to create the thumbnail gallery here:

        Thanks for your time,

        • Jay
          October 7, 2011

          There is a dummy_data.xml file bundled with the plugin 🙂

      • Chris
        October 8, 2011

        Jay, thanks for the example.

        It’s not clear how to manage the thumbs though. I added images in the product text field. They appeared as thumbs but also in the Product Description tab (don’t want them there).

        I removed the images from the text field which removed them from the Product Description tab but left the thumbs remaining.

        I saw that the images in the Media Library were still attached to the product page even though I had removed them form the product page. I tried attaching an image via the Media Library, but that did not create a thumb on the product page.

        I now have thumbs on the product page that I cannot remove or reorder. Please tell me the secret to managing the thumbs on the product pages.

        Oh… before I forget, I do love Woo and i’m digging on the new Argentum theme.


        • Jay
          October 8, 2011

          Hey there,

          You need to set your main product image as the ‘Featured post image’. Additional product imagery should simply be attached to the post. The plugin will do the rest 🙂

  20. Vivek Parmar
    October 7, 2011

    eceptionally great, awesome stuff..

  21. Dirk
    October 7, 2011

    Great theme!

    Questions: We’re currently developing a site on Listings. Do you have plans to do a Woocommerce integration for the Listings theme soon?

    • Ryan Ray
      October 7, 2011

      Soon. 🙂

  22. Jimmy
    October 9, 2011

    Hey Guys!

    How to I get the breadcrumb bar to show like in the demo?

    I imported the dummy xml file into wordpress- but how would I set my Permalink structure to work the best?


    Right now it looks like this:
    My Shop url:
    A Category url:
    A Product page:

    • Jay
      October 9, 2011

      Hey Jimmy, there’s a breadcrumb setting in the theme options panel.

      Please post future support requests on the forum 🙂


  23. nathanael
    October 11, 2011

    hey, love the new Woocommerce sites but a little disappointed that the only “standard” themes are for kids… any chance you’ll open up one of the sties as standard? only have one download left and could really use a Woocommerce theme!
    on a side note – i am using the “saving grace” theme for our non-profit and love it. you guys make us look amazing!

    • Ryan Ray
      October 11, 2011


      WooCommerce is an add on for those themes and warrants a child theme, WooCommerce themes are developed with a store front in mind.

      The child themes are available as bonus themes, but I assume since your purchase was before the WooCommerce themes were released you’re not able to add them as bonus themes.

      Only the themes available at your time of purchase will be eligible for bonus themes. 🙂

  24. Venkatesh
    October 12, 2011

    Could you Please help on this .Where to find the .htaccess file and give permissions.

    Thanks in advance to your support.

  25. Jose Alfredo
    October 15, 2011

    This is very good plugin for wordpress. I’ll prove it in one of my websites.

  26. allmyhoney
    October 24, 2011

    Does sagepay work with Merchant account? I believe its just the basic one right now which takes user to sage pay? Any plans for the merchant account integration that will require an SSL?


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