Organize Your Sensei Courses

Sensei Modules and Media Attachments

Purchase Sensei Today

A good online course needs a clear structure, and effective content organisation.

Today we bring you two Sensei extensions which aim to improve the way your courses are organised. We’re proud to announce that Sensei Modules and Sensei Media Attachments are both available, from today, for FREE!

Sensei Modules

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Sensei Modules enables you to group your lessons into various modules, adding further structure to your courses, and helping your students to easily digest their learning.

Your courses could, for example, be divided into:

  • Unit 1, Unit 2, …
  • Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, …

Or virtually any structure which suits your content.

Break it down

For example, let’s say you teach a course on how to play the guitar.

The course itself might contain thirty or forty lessons, which could seem like a daunting task to any beginner.

But using Sensei Modules, you could break those lessons down into modules such as Basics, Theory, Technique etc, so that your students can focus on completing just a few lessons at a time.

Sensei Modules
How your modules will be displayed

Install Sensei Modules today and help your students to accelerate their learning with a clear, modular, course structure.

Purchase Sensei Today

Sensei Media Attachments

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Sensei Media Attachments enables you to attach media files (PDFs, audio files, slideshows etc.) to your courses and lessons in Sensei.

The file(s) will then be presented as links in a separate Course Media or Lesson Media section.

Sensei Media Attachments
Attaching files to a course

Install Sensei Media Attachments today, and provide your students with easy access to virtually any kind of learning materials.

Purchase Sensei Today

We look forward to seeing how you use these two extensions to provide a more structured learning experience for your online students.

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
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  1. allmyhoney
    January 15, 2014

    Great job and thanks for the update here Dan. Free is certainly a bonus also! Would love to see the Product Vendors plugin become Course Vendors plugin and allow teachers to only access their courses and mark their courses – this would be a natural next step for sites with many courses and many teachers involved in the marking of the courses. Nice job here great to see it get stronger each month.

    • Dan Johnson
      Woo staff
      January 15, 2014

      Thanks James, some sort of teacher role is definitely something we’ll be looking into.

      • allmyhoney
        January 16, 2014

        Some kind of Teacher Role to begin with would indeed be ideal Dan.

    • Johnny
      January 15, 2014

      “Would love to see the Product Vendors plugin become Course Vendors plugin and allow teachers to only access their courses and mark their courses – this would be a natural next step for sites with many courses and many teachers involved in the marking of the courses.”

      Great idea!!! Then creating a course market place would be possible!

      • Dan Johnson
        Woo staff
        January 21, 2014

        Thanks Johnny

        This is also something we’ve discussed, and will be looking into as a future extension possibility 🙂

  2. davejay
    January 15, 2014

    Great news, guys! I’ve been looking forward to this… These extensions make a great product even better 🙂

    • Dan Johnson
      Woo staff
      January 15, 2014

      Thanks Dave, hope it works well for you 🙂

  3. csfalcao
    January 15, 2014

    Thanks, I was waiting for those features since day 1. The free price to those extension wont’t damage sales, im my opinion it´ll add value to Sensei plugin.

    Thanks .. and bring more!

    • Hugh Lashbrooke
      January 16, 2014

      Thanks! We’re hard at work getting more extensions ready for release 🙂

  4. Artur Zygmunt
    January 15, 2014

    In my opinion “Media Attachments” creates redundancy. AND it’s visually bad.
    Adding pdfs or mp3 for download is easy as a pie for every average wordpress user. Why would I need special plugin for something I do everyday with just links and image buttons if I want to be sophisticated.

    You really should focus on creating better level of promotion inside membership pages.

    For example course lists are almost useless in my opinion.

    I got 10year experience in interent marketing and selling online courses and I really need a list of non purchesed courses to display to my customer.

    But instead I can show all courses or paid courses.

    I can’t show my customer which courses exactly should he buy. I can anly show him which ones he bought.

    You should really consider getting a marketing point of view on this plugin.

    • Hugh Lashbrooke
      January 16, 2014

      Thanks for the feedback. If you don’t like Media Attachments then you don’t have to install it – that’s exactly why we’re building these features as extensions 🙂

      We’re steadily improving Sensei with every update and we’ll take your thoughts into consideration, but if there are any features that you think we need to include then please post on our ideas forum here:

  5. Charles Schaefer
    January 16, 2014

    Does Sensei has support to embed content using iframe?

    I’m the founder of an eLearning Authoring Tool called EAD Builder ( and I’d like to know if it is possible, so we can include Sensei in our list of supported platforms (since Sensei would help some of our users to start theirs course business).


    • Hugh Lashbrooke
      January 16, 2014

      Sensei uses WordPress custom post types to manage courses and lessons, so any content that you could normally insert into a WordPress post will be supported by Sensei – this includes iframes. So yes – if your content can be embedded in an iframe then it can be included in any Sensei lesson or course.

      • charlesschaefer
        January 19, 2014

        Thanks for your response Hugh!

  6. mykitchengarden
    January 19, 2014

    Great news re the Modules – getting this developed and released shows me that your IDEAS forum works really well. thanks guys.

    • Hugh Lashbrooke
      January 19, 2014

      It’s a pleasure – we always listen to the community’s ideas 🙂

  7. phil
    January 19, 2014

    Hi there, thanx great stuff!
    A great feature that i’m currently missing is the ability to add a particular course / to multiple woocommerce products. right no its only possible to attach 1 course to a particular woocommerce product. i want to be able to attach the same course to different products. would be great to see this feature in the near future! thanks,

    • Hugh Lashbrooke
      January 20, 2014

      Hi Phil,

      That’s a feature that we’re looking into for a future release. I can’t give you an ETA on it, but it’s definitely on our radar!

  8. Sebastian | Off The Path
    February 25, 2014

    How can I change the number of lessons shown in one modules archive page? It seems to be limited to 10 lessons right now. Everything above is shown on a different page!

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