The One Hundred Milestone

An incredible amount has happened since we launched in July 2008, as we mentioned in our 3rd birthday blog post. Today marks another monumental milestone we are hugely proud about – our 100th theme release.

Introducing Swatch

Swatch is a FREE, yes you read that correctly, business theme with a portfolio module that allows its usage to be completely diverse. This is a big move for us to release a fully-fledged Business theme for free, considering that we’ve generally preferred to tone down the functionality for our other free themes.

The pixel perfect Swatch homepage.

Swatch was designed and submitted to us in March by the talented UK web designer Oliver Long, with WooThemes having every intention to release this theme as a commercial product. It’s packed full of the usual features you’ve come to expect from our commercial themes, and built on the WooFramework that powers all our themes.

Swatch comes with custom post types for the featured homepage slider and mini-features to highlight noteworthy features about your business, service or website, as well as a custom post type reserved for the portfolio.

The homepage boasts up to 7 widgetized regions where you can place a heap of widgets, including 8 custom woo widgets, or just set up your theme options correctly and the homepage will use the modules presented on our demo.

A portfolio module in a free theme. It can’t be?

We encourage you to browse the demo to discover all the free goodness available to you, as well as our theme listing page.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our wonderful community of supportive WooTheme users. We hope this theme results in growing our community even further. We have LOADS in store over the next month so appreciate our existing club member’s patience in releasing our next impressive commercial theme.

Celebration Time: 10 Themes for $100

In addition to celebrating our 100th theme release in some free style, we’re also extending the awesomeness beyond Swatch… For the next 48 hours, you can purchase 10 Developer Package Themes for only $100.

This is how you do it…

  1. Select the Developer Package for any theme you’d like to purchase and go to the checkout page.
  2. Complete the form and use the coupon code “100themes”.
  3. Once you’ve validated that coupon, you’ll see the price decrease from $150 to $100.
  4. Complete the purchase and go to your user dashboard, where you’ll see that you have an additional 9 bonus credits which you can redeem for 9 other Developer Package themes. (Note: The bonus credits are only valid for the 100 themes that we have available today and not for future theme releases.)
Spiffy, right? You should totally grab this promotion for yourself, but you should also be a good friend and tell all your friends about this! 🙂
Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. Prash
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats !!

  2. Mattias Gustafsson
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations Woothemes!

  3. Ashmita
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations for the milestone. You’ve surprised us.

  4. karan
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats on the milestone and best of luck for the future.

  5. Lee
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats, guys. The theme looks great in the real, despite my previous comment about it looking ‘run-of-the-mill’. Great offer too.

    • Mark Forrester
      August 31, 2011

      Glad it managed to impress in the flesh! 😉

    • Ryan Ray
      August 31, 2011

      Awesome! Very glad the real deal changed your mind. 😀

  6. Dave
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations to all the WOO TEAM, here is to the next 100 😉

  7. Fred Romano
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats on your 100th! Great looking FREE theme.

  8. Rob
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats Woo dudes, hats off to all of you!

  9. Wes
    August 31, 2011

    Very cool!

  10. Hope C
    August 31, 2011

    I like that Swatch!

  11. Sarah
    August 31, 2011

    It’s a fab theme, in fact I’m off to download it now for one of my sites. Thanks.

  12. Ravi Shanghavi
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats guys!

  13. Nick Beske
    August 31, 2011

    Im always impressed with the features and customizations of your themes and Swatch is no exception. Congratulations on you 100th theme!

  14. Tracey
    August 31, 2011

    “Happy birthday” !! Well done, here’s to loads more themes…

  15. Gina Kamentsky
    August 31, 2011

    Yay Woo themes, London swings! as does snow boarding ( try not to break any legs! )

  16. Matthias
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats! Keep up the good work!

  17. Ms_Krista
    August 31, 2011

    1. Congrats on the 100th theme. Love you guys’ work.

    2. Think you’ll ever do tumblr themes again?

    3. Does Woo commerce mean I’ll finally get a Woo Ninja doll for my desk?????

    Again congrats on the milestone…you deserve to celebrate.

    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011


      1. Tusen takk!
      2. No
      3. Great idea! Woo Ninja dolls for everyone! 🙂

  18. manu
    August 31, 2011

    I will call immediatly the mayor of Paris for a huge firework at the Eiffel Tower celebrating WooThemes.
    Congratulations for your incredible work and support.
    A french fan.

    • Ryan Ray
      August 31, 2011

      Thanks a ton Manu! Send us pics of the fireworks! 😉

  19. Ivo
    August 31, 2011

    Thanks! I really like the Swatch, but why do you not use the same input box at contact form’s message field like it is at comment form’s message field? I mean – at comment form’s message field the box is so nice, you can’t change the width, but at contact form you can and then it ruins the design. Sorry for my english, I’m from Latvia, but yeah, that would be nice if you fix it. 🙂

  20. Calzo
    August 31, 2011

    Great news and I like the $100 for 10 themes thing too. I’m not over the moon with the new 100th theme but it’s free so hey ho! I’m a Canvas fanboy. Keep up the great work folks.

    • Ryan Ray
      August 31, 2011

      Canvas will get some goodies next month. 🙂

  21. Thiago
    August 31, 2011


    if I use the 100Themes coupom, Do I need to use all credits now, or I can use them later?


    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011

      You pick your themes at a later stage after purchase, and you don’t need to pick all at once 🙂

      • Thiago
        August 31, 2011

        Very nice, ’cause it’s hard choosing 10 once. Are there some kind of expire date?

        In my opinion, the most important thing is having access to docs and forum. Once I buy the theme I will have access to all docs and forum support?

        • Magnus
          August 31, 2011

          Yes you will 🙂

  22. Kate Mag
    August 31, 2011

    Awesome way to celebrate 100th release!
    Interesting offer there, 10 Themes for $100.
    However I don’t know what to do with 10 themes
    Any ideas?

    • Ryan Ray
      August 31, 2011

      Can always get the one theme you want currently and save the 9 bonus themes for later. 😉

      • lex
        September 3, 2011

        the coupon is not working.
        10 themes for $100 is great if the coupon is working,
        I tried. It not working.

    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011

      Start a new website? 🙂

  23. Andy
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats Woothemes!

    I assume the 10 for $100 offer does not include the Listings theme? Or is that also part of the 100?


    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011


      Unfortunately not, the Enterprise themes are not included in the Developer packages.

  24. Anton Zuiker
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats! Trying to purchase with the code, but getting transaction error. Have to go to airport for overseas trip and won’t be online for a couple of days. Hoping you’ll help me get the 10 themes when I return.

    • Ryan Ray
      August 31, 2011

      Apologies about that, shoot us an email with some more details. Will be glad to help. – info[at]

  25. Lisa
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations on your achievement and thanks for sharing with us! Seriously, $100 for 10 of your themes is an amazing deal given the high-quality code and ease of use. Woo Themes is always my first go-to when looking for a pre-made wordpress theme. Here’s to continued success!

  26. Bail Gator
    August 31, 2011

    This is an incredible free theme. It is perfect for my next project. WooThemes is great. Quality themes, great support and a stellar admin panel. Your framework is easy to customize and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say “Thank you for all the hard work”.

  27. Nikole Gipps
    August 31, 2011

    Congrats guys! I like the new theme too … good features. 🙂

  28. Mike
    August 31, 2011

    Very exciting! Congrats! This includes Enterprise themes too, right?

    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011


      Unfortunately it doesn’t include Enterprise themes.

  29. Mark Garwell
    August 31, 2011

    You guys are absolutely brilliant, well done for reaching this milestone and thanks for the support over the years.

  30. David Bailey
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations! And, thank you for changing the way I run my design business… 🙂

  31. KChristoph
    August 31, 2011

    Greatings and congratulations from Hannover, Germany.
    Thanks. – Danke.

  32. DrewAPicture
    August 31, 2011

    I’ve been wondering what you had up your proverbial sleeves for theme #100 and you once again never fail to impress. Here’s to 3 years and a 100 themes, and many more to come. Congratulations!

  33. RevTim
    August 31, 2011

    Grats! So cool. 100 is BIG!!

  34. yooidje
    August 31, 2011

    It is not possible anymore to use Paypal?

  35. Peter
    August 31, 2011

    Go get them Woo’s. 100 is a massive milestone… keep at it..looking forward to 200.

  36. Australian Wordpress Designer
    August 31, 2011

    We’ve been promoting and using Woo Themes for ages… love your work. thanks and keep it up.

  37. Stef
    August 31, 2011

    WhooWhee 🙂 Happy anniversary and thanks for the free theme 🙂

  38. railandpatternhorse
    August 31, 2011

    Hi, so I’m thinking about purchasing the listings theme but it has not been updated for a while. Before I buy this theme for my project are you coming out with something similar in the next month?

    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011


      We dont have any plans for anything similar to Listings. If there have been no updates it means little bugs lately 🙂

  39. railandpatternhorse
    August 31, 2011

    One more question. If we choose a theme now on the special, will we be able to apply our 9 theme credit to any new themes coming out or is this only for current themes?

    • Magnus
      August 31, 2011

      Hi, you can only pick themes available upon purchase as described in the post.

  40. Gerson Perez
    August 31, 2011

    May Canvas and Listings be included in the 100theme offer?
    Great job you are doing guys, really, happy 100 celebration!

    • Gerson Perez
      August 31, 2011

      I checked this thread, and it says Listings is out of the offer, but what about canvas?

      • Magnus
        August 31, 2011

        Canvas is included as that is not an enterprise theme 🙂

  41. Henrik
    August 31, 2011

    I´ll be completely honest. I´m both amazed and dissapointed at this theme.

    The theme preview looks bad with the gallery part since there is loads of white space. I´m not to thrilled about the frontpage using that format with slides, mini features and then having 3 rows with different areas.

    Which gets a completely different look when you visit a page or the blog part.

    Nor did I like the way the portfolio items looks since I wanted them to look like they do in Kaboodle.

    But I wanted to try it out with my own posts so I downloaded. Started to play around with it a bit and wow. There are a lot of features that aren´t on display in the demo(from what I know of when I last checked) so I´m 50/50 to using this theme for a not so busniess but a personal blog. I just need to get my hands dirty with the code to make it more “me” 🙂

    So congrats on making 100 themes and the 100th theme is making me twist my neck and love it at the same time.

    Great offer with this. I´ll need to think things trough. It is a very tempting offer to say the least.

    Nice work and keep it all up.

    • Henrik
      August 31, 2011

      One thing I´d love to see changed though is a bit more space between the image and the gallery on the portfolio part.

      And make the same gallery part work more like it does in Kaboodle :p It worked flawlessly there with no cropping being made to the images or anything. But there are cropping being made in Swatch. Or it is just some setting in the theme admin part that I haven´t found just yet.

  42. Oliver Long
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations on 100 themes guys. Swatch looks great too, but I suppose I’m biased!

    • Mark Forrester
      August 31, 2011

      Thanks to you! Hope you get some great exposure as we hope for lots of downloads!

  43. bakerMEN Online Marketing dudes
    August 31, 2011

    Congratulations with theme number 100 (already).

    Looking forward to the next 100 themes…

    Keep rocking the WordPress world!

  44. David
    August 31, 2011


  45. Matthew
    August 31, 2011

    congrats to the WOO team! great milestone and even better deal for your customers!

  46. sorry
    September 1, 2011

    Hello and congrats on the 100 themes.

    Sorry to be a kill joy but there is nothing much to celebrate from a subscriber perspective. Where is the value? Since subscribing in mid July announcement has been released and now the free theme and 10 for $100?

    Sorry but filling a little overlooked and ripped in the subscribers section

    • Ryan Ray
      September 1, 2011

      Sorry sorry,

      We think in the next coming months you’ll feel the value of your subscription. I think you’ll love what will be available with WooCommerce and more.

      Feel free to shoot us suggestions on improving the value for subscribers. – info[at]

  47. MrSAYS
    September 1, 2011

    Congratulations Woothemes!. Now I’m going to share it on my blog and grab myself 10 Developer Package Themes!. Maybe Woothemes should come up with a cute mascot.

    • Ryan Ray
      September 1, 2011

      The ninja isn’t cute enough? 😛

  48. Charlie
    September 1, 2011

    Incredible looking theme as usual. As a subscriber I can understand the plight of those who are questioning the value, but this free theme will still work fine for me.

  49. Rashmita
    September 1, 2011

    Great Theme Congratulation Woothemes!!!

  50. Vivek Parmar
    September 1, 2011

    Great congrats for achieving this milestone. Still a lot have to go….

  51. karan
    September 1, 2011

    Swatch not available in downloads for club ?
    No documentation for Swatch also.

    • Magnus
      September 1, 2011


      All free themes are downloaded directly from our website. We’ve published the documentation now 🙂

      • karan
        September 1, 2011


        Would love to see all themes available in downloads area (at 1 place). Maybe as Swatch – Free Business Theme 🙂

  52. Tinh
    September 1, 2011

    Great offer. I will get one now, hope not too late yet

  53. Oscar Semi
    September 1, 2011

    Congratulation! Great job. I am also a template designer and I know how hard to create a good template. 100 templates creation is really a big job. Any way, love Woo…

  54. Wolforg
    September 1, 2011

    Hello and congratulations for this great theme 🙂
    I’ve translated it in french today, feel free to download this translation here :

    Best Regards 😉

    • Oscar Semi
      September 4, 2011

      Your site is really nice.

  55. Arthur
    September 1, 2011

    Congrats !

  56. WPHell
    September 1, 2011

    Congratulations! Nice theme! I’m going to add it to my directory too.

  57. New user
    September 1, 2011


    very good news and thank You all for the great themes 🙂

    I want to ask, how to change front/home page (address) to blog page in Swatch theme?

  58. Dawn Reel
    September 1, 2011

    Woo rocks! Congratulations.

  59. Lyman
    September 1, 2011

    Congrats Woo 🙂 I’m about to sign up for your developer club you wouldn’t have a discount for that would you 🙂 figured I could at least ask. Also can’t see what else you have in store for us 🙂

    • Lyman
      September 1, 2011

      *can’t wait to see what you have in store for us man I can’t type today.

    • Ryan Ray
      September 1, 2011

      Pop us an email. – info[at]

      • Lyman
        September 1, 2011

        Will do Ryan thanks for the quick response.

  60. LSeattle
    September 2, 2011

    Hi there: I was able to register, but when I tried to purchase this 100Themes Special with my CC, your cart gave me an error message, and asked me to contact you. I also sent you an email. Thanks in advance for your help, L-

  61. Samantha Vira
    September 2, 2011

    Happy 100th!!! Still the ONE after all these themes! <3

    +1 for the cute ninja doll 🙂

    • Samantha Vira
      September 3, 2011

      P.S. Nice robust theme! looks like a ‘new and improved’ Coffee Break.

  62. Jess
    September 2, 2011

    Hey guys thanks for such a great special!!
    when does the 10 for $100 deal run out?
    Thanks heaps 🙂
    Happy Hundred!!

    • Ryan Ray
      September 2, 2011

      Should be ending some point today, hope you got some great themes for cheap! 😉

  63. live movie
    September 2, 2011

    Great collection of best themes. Really useful !!

  64. PremiumWordpress
    September 2, 2011

    Unique bunch of themes, All have their importance. Good work

  65. el Rafa
    September 2, 2011

    “Note: The bonus credits are only valid for the 100 themes that we have available today”

    Correction: This should say something like “95 non-enterprise themes we have available today”. 😉

    While you guys are feeling so generous, it would be *quite lovely* if Woo would be willing to at least extend the offer to allow the purchase of any 1 enterprise theme for $100 instead of excluding them from the promotion completely…

    It just ruins the whole spirit of the celebration of the 100th theme by excluding them. These poor enterprise themes are feeling rather lonely at this party, don’t you think? 🙂

    • Ryan Ray
      September 2, 2011

      Perhaps they are a bit lonely, will pass along the suggestion for our next promo. 🙂

  66. S
    September 2, 2011

    Nice theme!

    I love the themes here and I don’t really care if they’re free and I’m a subscription user… the only thing that I don’t like about the free themes is that I can’t download a PSD. Is there any way that people with developer subscription could download the PSD even for free themes?

    • Ryan Ray
      September 2, 2011

      I do believe the PSD is included in the theme folder on free themes, at least for Swatch it is. 🙂 –

  67. mash
    September 3, 2011

    Congrats on your milestone!

  68. alex
    September 3, 2011

    wow. great affordable themes

  69. Glenn
    September 9, 2011

    I am trying to buy the 10 developer theme bonus. The coupon code is not working?
    Please can you help as it is advertised.

  70. Lisa Rothstein
    September 12, 2011

    Love this theme but linkedin icon does not show up. I think this is a bug. Facebook icon link works fine. And it insists on showing RSS icon even though i do not want tat option and have it unchecked. Guess I can’t use this for free after all…


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