We Waggishly Welcome Warren

Today we welcome a new team member to WooThemes Headquarters in Cape Town. Warren Holmes joins the development team to help with the heavy lifting of the WooFramework and theme building.

Warren grew up in Zimbabwe and is a keen golfer and fisherman, so we are quite sure he’ll get along with Magnus at the next Woo get-together! He’s also a recovering java developer.

Warren’s job will be bridging the gap between our support ninjas, who’s role it is to take the beautifully crafted photoshop files and magically transform them into WooFramework powered themes, and the code wizards role of applying advanced unique php/jquery/ajax features to a lot of our themes.

Warren will be jumping right into the deep end with his first task, and will be working on something we are hugely excited about. It’s an undercover project that’s release is long overdue, but now with the added capacity we can concentrate on the final push. Whilst it won’t be bundled with themes, it will help us get those themes to you, allow us to support them better, our affiliates to make more money advertising them, and help provide you with a more intuitive checkout process…

Lots of goodness coming to the WooThemes machine!
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  1. jeffikus
    July 4, 2011

    Welcome Warren! Looking forward to cooking up some coding goodness together!

    • Ryan Ray
      July 4, 2011

      Yeah yeah! Do want! 🙂

  2. Suren H
    July 4, 2011

    “Warren Holmes”

    A great welcome to WooClub! Hope to see new themes soon 🙂

  3. Scott Webb
    July 4, 2011

    Great to hear! Welcome Warren!!

  4. Wes Kriesel
    July 4, 2011

    Welcome, Warren!

  5. Evgeniy
    July 4, 2011

    Welcome Warren!

  6. Rgregory
    July 5, 2011

    Sounds like woo ecommerce is on the way!

    • p1rj1s
      July 5, 2011

      Knock on wood (and wouldn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t count on it).

      And Woo, please note my humble opinion: Constant blogposts with little content, promising new exciting groundbreaking stuff isn’t a road you should be moving down.

      You should have figured it out with the commerce thingy hitting you over the head every now and then.

      I’m guessing someone in charge has given this a few thoughts, and figured this will build hype and buzz. I disagree.

      And, of course, welcome Warren.

  7. Lisa
    July 15, 2011


    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your new Woo adventure.

    Can we pleaz, pleaz have more customization of the image slider affects? And size?

    And I want to be able to “officially” create my own “color styles” rather than doing it on the sly.

    If you could just do that…..that’d be greeeaaaaat.

    Thanks much!


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