Booster Crowdfunding for WooCommerce

Easily add a crowdfunding campaign in your WooCommerce store.

Crowdfund On Your WooCommerce Site

Extraordinary ideas and causes have successfully raised money with popular crowdfunding sites. Encouraging friends, family, and fans to contribute to your cause can launch some amazing ideas and help countless people.

Crowdfunding sites charge fees for their services, lowering fundraised amounts.

Now with Booster Crowdfunding for WooCommerce, you can raise money on your site and control the transaction.

Adding a crowdfunding feature on your site is quick and easy with the Booster Crowdfunding module. Simply enable the module and set a goal, start date, and end date and start raising money.

Use our shortcodes to showcase different types of data including goals, start dates, end dates, time, a fundraising progress bar, funds raised, funds needed to reach funding goals, time left in fundraising, etc.


Shortcodes are available for the following options

  • Total order received
  • Total amount received or fundraised to date
  • Total goal amount
  • Funds left to raise
  • Fundraising progress
  • Fundraising time left
  • Fundraising time and amount progress bar

A store owner or organization can set different crowdfunding goals for each product or cause.

Projects with fundraising goals attached will also provide popularity data that store owners can analyze.

Quick Setup Guide



Minimum PHP version: 5.2


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