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Clover Gateway for WooCommerce

Accept credit card payments with Clover / Payeezy

Easily accept credit cards with Payeezy & Clover Gateway for WooCommerce

Let your customers easily and seamlessly check out with Clover Gateway for WooCommerce. Capture more sales and reduce cart abandonment by taking advantage of card tokenization, allowing customers to securely and safely save their cards for a seamless future checkout. Benefit from tons of great features like enhanced checkout forms, Subscriptions support, authorization / capture, and more!


The payment gateway form added to WooCommerce checkout when using Clover for WooCommerce
Payment form at checkout

Seamless, simple checkout with Clover Gateway for WooCommerce

Using the Clover extension allows you to decide what your checkout process will look like, while keeping the customer on your site for the entire process. This gives you maximum control over this experience, providing a slick checkout process for the user with maximum customizability.

You can now opt to show detailed decline messages to your customers, no more “an error occurred” error messages!

Clover for WooCommerce detailed decline message example
Detailed Decline Message


The Clover Gateway for WooCommerce payment gateway plugin supports three gateway modes:

  • Clover Gateway: Accept credit card payments via Clover directly on your site.
  • Legacy gateways – available but no longer supported by Fiserv / First Data:
    • Payeezy Gateway: Payeezy Gateway (formerly GGe4), lets you accept credit card payments via First Data directly on your site, and supports TransArmor tokenization.
    • Payeezy Payment.js (API): Payeezy Gateway merchants using the Payment.js library (ask your PayEezy rep if you’re not sure if that’s you!). Payment.js supports all features of the legacy Payeezy Gateway, but it also tokenizes card information client-side before sending it away from your site for increased security and reduced PCI compliance burden.

Exceptional features

  • Accept all Major Credit Cards – Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®, Diner’s Club, JCB
  • Uses an enhanced payment form with retina icons that automatically detects and formats card type
  • Customers can securely save their payment method to their account for easier checkout
  • Process automatic refunds from within WooCommerce
  • Capture charges for pre-authorized transactions directly from within WooCommerce
  • Force charges for orders with only virtual items instead of authorizing them
  • Void pre-authorized transactions to cancel orders from within WooCommerce
  • Full Support for WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • Full Support for WooCommerce Pre-Orders
  • Show detailed decline messages at checkout to help customers complete transactions
  • Legacy Payeezy API (Payment.js) / Payeezy Gateway / Global Gateway support

Securely save customer credit cards

Customers can easily and securely save their credit card to their account for faster checkout. Payment data is stored on Clover’s secure servers, so your responsibility for PCI compliance is significantly reduced. Customers can then select a saved card to pay for future orders.

An example of a saved payment method in Clover for WooCommerce
An example of a saved payment method in Clover Gateway for WooCommerce



Customers can remove or update their saved payment method from the My Account page.

Clover for WooCommerce Saved Payment Methods
My Payment Methods

Capture charges with Clover Gateway for WooCommerce

Some merchants choose to set the payment gateway to only authorize charges rather than authorize & capture them. However, this requires the merchant to then log into the payment gateway admin to capture charges. You can optionally capture previously authorized transactions directly from the WooCommerce Edit Order screen rather than logging into your Clover control panel to do so. Simply edit the order, select the “Capture Charge” action, and charges will be captured through Clover

WooCommerce First Data Payment Gateway Integration Capture Charge
Clover Gateway for WooCommerce Capture Charge

You can even capture charges in bulk for multiple orders!

Support for automatic refunds

Shop employees can process refunds for an order paid for with Clover directly from within WooCommerce — no more logging into your Clover account to process refunds! Speed up your store management by creating refunds from the “Edit Order” screen and sending the transaction automatically to Clover by clicking “Refund via Credit Card”.

An example of processing a refund in Clover for WooCommerce
Initiate a refund

Full support for Subscriptions and Pre-Orders

Clover is an ideal gateway for WooCommerce Subscriptions, offering support for all of Subscriptions features – subscription date changes, payment date changes, and more. The gateway also fully supports WooCommerce Pre-Orders, so you can take customers’ payment information upfront and then automatically charge their payment method once the pre-order is released.

How to get started (in 5 minutes or less)

  1. Buy this extension :slightly_smiling_face:
  2. Download and install into your WooCommerce store
  3. Login to your Clover (sign up for a sandbox account to quickly get started if you don’t already have an account) and grab your API information
  4. Save this information on the settings page
  5. That’s it! Sit back and enjoy full-featured payment processing!


Looking for even more information? Read the extensive documentation for details on setup, configuration, and more.

This plugin supports Clover merchant accounts in the US and Canada only. Other markets (UK) are not currently supported.

Need any more reason to buy? When you purchase a Kestrel-developed extension, you’re getting the highest quality extensions for your WooCommerce store. Gain peace of mind by knowing that when you purchase our products, your store’s performance is as important to us as it is to you.



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