QuickBooks Integration for WooCommerce connects your WooCommerce store to WooCommerce QuickBooks online. This integration allows you to sync data from your online store to the platform. It syncs the data for objects like Orders, Customers, and Products as per the modules of QuickBooks. This QuickBooks WooCommerce connector allows you to create Customers, Items, and Invoices on the platform.
Note: QuickBooks Integration for WooCommerce Plugin works only with QuickBooks Online.
Easily sync SKUs in items and invoices with our QuickBooks integration plugin. You can enable or disable this feature directly from the plugin’s settings. If your product has an SKU, it will automatically sync with invoices and items.
Note: To use this feature, ensure the “SKU for Invoices” option is enabled in your QuickBooks dashboard. Go to Settings > Account and Settings > Sales > Products and Services, then check the “Show SKU Columns” option.
WooCommerce QuickBooks Integration plugin automatically syncs payment details with QuickBooks. Once a payment is made in WooCommerce and an invoice is generated, the payment information is synced, ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial records.
With the QuickBooks Integration plugin, you can sync partial refunds. Whenever an order status changes to “refunded,” the refund details—whether partial or full—are automatically synced with QuickBooks. This ensures accurate financial records and effortless refund management.
Our QuickBooks Integration plugin adds a dedicated tab to the “My Account” page, allowing customers to easily download their Quickbooks invoices directly from their accounts. This feature simplifies the invoicing process, saving time and enhancing customer convenience.
With our QuickBooks integration plugin, you can easily sync both parent and child categories that are assigned to your products. Once synced, these categories will show up under the products in your QuickBooks dashboard, making it easier for you to manage your product info ensuring that it is both accurate and updated. That makes it easier to handle your product information and monitor categories in QuickBooks.
Quickbooks Integration for WooCommerce has the option for 2 way syncing the products. You can pull the products created in QuickBooks with one click and enable the option to create the products in your WooCommerce store.
Plus, if merchants have concerns related to stock management they can also enable and disable product stock sync.
When you move a product to the trash in your WooCommerce store, it becomes inactive in Quickbooks. Conversely, if a product is marked as inactive in Quickbooks, it is moved to the trash in WooCommerce. Furthermore, restoring a product from the trash in WooCommerce reactivates it in Quickbooks, and vice versa.
You can set up fields in the feed and map them to QuickBooks to synchronize the user’s IP address and browser information. This helps in smooth integration and more accurate tracking of user data.
The invoice currency will be the same as the base currency of the WooCommerce order.
Similar WooCommerce order currency will sync over QuickBooks. For instance, if WooCommerce base currency is UGX and it is switched to dollar via currency switcher while placing the order. Then, in this case, the currency will be synced as dollars and vice versa.
Quickbooks integration for WooCommerce is compatible with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) is an easy-to-understand and solid database structure that uses an alternative storage mechanism for Order Tables to ensure the smooth workflow of your WooCommerce Store.
Now, tax value and tax rate will be synced to QuickBooks invoices along with the orders based on this latest feature of syncing tax value and tax rate. It aids in syncing QuickBooks with the tax details. To sync correctly with the orders at both ends, the same tax rate must be created at the QuickBooks invoice end as well.
With the help of QuickBooks Integration for WooCommerce, you can sync your data according to your preferences by applying filters over feeds. There are a wide variety of filters available for you. Filter the feeds according to dates, exact matches, numbers, texts, and much more!
Create customers and invoices automatically with updated status whenever purchases are made on your WooCommerce store with QuickBooks invoice status. Once the order or payment is done on your WooCommerce store, this new functionality will instantly update the status of the invoice in QuickBooks as PAID.
As you already know, this Woo QuickBooks Integration plugin provides a full sync log report that enables you to identify errors within seconds. This filter for error feature will allow you to filter out all those errors from the logs area during data syncing.
No more manually entering invoices, customers, or goods. Now, there are no synchronization restrictions as this QuickBooks plugin provides an infinite real-time sync of orders, customers, inventory, and shipping charges.
To enable shipping charges syncing, you need to go to Settings > Account & Settings > Sales > Sales Form Content, and ensure the checkbox for Shipping is checked.
This QuickBooks integration plugin provides you with feeds that control the data synchronization process for WooCommerce objects. You can configure these feeds to sync your data as per your needs. Feeds for objects include:
These feeds consist of multiple settings you can use to control data synchronization. The following are some of the options for customizing feeds.
Select object
Map fields
Add new field
Primary field
Select event
Map QuickBooks account
The historical data sync feature in this integration allows you to sync your existing WooCommerce store data on QuickBooks. There are two different methods to sync historical data.
One-click sync
Bulk data sync
Select the object and related feed to start sending your existing data over WooCommerce QuickBooks online.
QuickBooks Integration for WooCommerce plugin provides a comprehensive report of your sync logs. This log report includes a detailed description of errors with parameters like Objects, Object ID, Feed, etc. This tells you what went wrong and helps you figure out the error and troubleshoot it.
Connect WooCommerce to QuickBooks for instant syncing. You can quickly sync your WooCommerce data to QuickBooks. The instant sync feature depends on an event to trigger data synchronization. For example, if you select the “Product Created” event, your data will sync over QuickBooks whenever a new product is created.
Disabling Instant sync will require you to sync your store’s data manually through the One-click or Bulk data sync feature.
Under the Settings tab of this plugin, there is a feature called Enable Logging. If you turn this toggle on, you can store your log data. Along with that, you can also set the number of days you want to store the logs. The logs will automatically delete after a set number of days you select.
The product’s price that is synced will be shown in the Rate section of the unique price on Quickbooks. It means product individual prices will sync in invoice line items as a unique price.
Create feeds for Invoice objects and map fields to synchronize product discount data to the QuickBooks Invoice module. The monetary value of the discount will be synchronized regardless of the discount type (fixed or percentage).
It reflects the discount percentage and the absolute discount value as well.
Sync WooCommerce orders as Sales Receipts and Estimate on QuickBooks by creating custom feeds. These objects will sync the following data inputs:
25. Refund Receipt Syncing When Order Refunded From WooCommerce
When the order is refunded on WooCommerce, an object will sync on QuickBooks as a refund receipt.
Visit Quickbooks Integration for WooCommerce Documentation to learn more about the features and working of the plugin. If you need support or have questions, kindly submit your query.
Our automated Quickbooks Integration plugin works in all cases but in any condition if it’s not working or data is not syncing, make sure to verify your connected account details. If this did not help connect to our support team, which will make sure to provide best solution we can.
Yes it can be done and you dont need to manually enter invoices, customers, or goods. To enable shipping charges syncing, go to Settings > Account & Settings > Sales > Sales Form Content, and ensure the checkbox for Shipping is checked.
You can add feeds as per your needs and also can make custom feeds to map them. If you need anything apart from the availability you can connect with our support team.
No, the plugin is one way only; you can sync the data from Woocommerce to QuickBooks.
This Integration for QuickBooks plugin is an integration and it will help in sending all the data ( Orders/Customers/Products) over QuickBooks
Yes, we have given two options for this: Bulk sync and One click Sync which you can choose according to your need.
Yes, you can set the number of days you want to store the logs for. They’ll be deleted after the set days.
We have provided a full setup guide to do this, you can check it.
This plugin will help in creating Customers, Items and Invoices over QuickBooks.
Bulk Sync: Syncs all the data of a particular object.
One-click Sync: Syncs only the newly added data or the one that failed to sync earlier.