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Burrow Press

Burrow Press - WooCommerce Showcase

Burrow Press is a nonprofit, independent publisher based out of Orlando, FL. They are committed to publishing the best contemporary literature from both new and established authors, whilst fostering community and enriching Central Florida’s cultural landscape by developing and growing educational and creative literary arts programs.

Burrow publishes four carefully selected books by Floridians and about Florida each year, offered in an annual subscription package. This means that, since 2010, they’ve provided more than 800 opportunities for writers to publish and share their work in physical and e-book formats.

The company also considers submissions year-round for online publication in Fantastic Floridas, a digital literary journal of the sunshine state, literature, books, culture, and the uncategorizable. After all, they quip, the state is far more than just fodder for hard-boiled crime novels and zany farces.

With award-winning fiction and non-fiction publications under their belt, co-founder Ryan Rivas says Burrow’s success is all down to its attitude.

“I don’t want people to think we’re snooty. We take literature really seriously, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously.”
– Ryan Rivas, co-founder

Orange groves, gators, and independent publishing; Burrow Press continue to forge ahead with their hearty tradition of tongue-in-cheek Floridian self-reflection. After all, they can’t help that they’re from Florida.