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Woo Subscriptions

by  Woo
Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

More control over sending the email for Gifting for Subscriptions

Right now if you use the Gifting for Subscriptions extension to purchase a gift, it sends the recipient the email immediately. Can you allow the purchase to set the email to send at a later date, or at least turn off the email to the recipient and send it to the purchaser instead, so they can forward it to the recipient when they are ready? Most people don’t purchase gifts on the exact moment they want their recipient to receive it. More flexibility here seems important.


Current Status


Last updated: July 23, 2018


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  1. Caroline says:

    Option to set email delivery date to the gift recipient!

  2. john mackenzie says:

    I would also appreciate this enhancement as long as the subscription start time also starts when the recipient receives the email.