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WooCommerce Blocks

by  Woo
WooCommerce Blocks offers a range of Gutenberg blocks you can use to build and customise your site.

Can we have a “Add to Cart” button block for Block Editor ?

Suppose we want to design a product page fully based on block editor, this is not supported currently for single product post type. So if you provide a block “Add to Cart” button with simple options like, Cart button text, product to add, custom css class for button, Then we can insert that cart button on any custom page we have created using block editor, and can easily add the product to cart and go to checkout.



Current Status

In Progress

Last updated: January 20, 2023


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  1. Mat Burhouse says:

    +1 vote for this.

    Do you have a rough ETA for when the single product template will be blockified?


  2. nerrad says:

    This is being worked on right now as a part of blockifying the single product template.

  3. Alec says:

    This is sorely needed after enabling the Gutenberg editor for product description.

    Are there any existing solutions out there? Certainly seems like a block WooCommerce should offer.

  4. Hozefa Saleh says:

    There was a plugin available in wordpress plugin repository before , link to the plugin , but that is now removed by the author 🙁