Installing Storefront in your language

Using community-generated languages

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Storefront translations are managed on
  1. Download the language pack at Storefront Language Packs.
  2. Upload to wp-content/languages/themes/ in your WordPress installation.
  3. Go to WordPress Settings and adjust Site Language in the dropdown.
  4. Save Changes.
WordPress language setting

Creating a custom translation

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Two of the most popular ways to create a custom translation are via Loco Translate and PoEdit. Detailed documentation on using both to translate WooCommerce can be found at WooCommerce Localization.

Using a custom translation

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If you create a custom translation using a plugin such as Loco Translate, you must place the translation in one of two places: the WordPress Languages Directory or the child theme language directory.
  • WordPress Languages Directory: Upload your .mo file to wp-content/languages/themes/ and use the following naming convention: Before falling back to bundled translations, Storefront first looks in your WordPress Languages Directory.
  • Child theme: Upload the file to language directory of your child theme, assuming you created and customized it yourself. If you’re using a child theme that you didn’t build, such as one of the Storefront child themes, the WordPress Languages Directory is a safer location.
Storefront first looks in the WordPress Languages Directory, and then in the language directory of your child theme.
Note: Custom translations need to be in the correct place, or they’ll be lost when updating Storefront core.