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  • Extension Integrations

    The Storefront theme is compatible with all WooCommerce extensions for sale at WooCommerce.com. Certain extensions feature a deep integration with Storefront core and were created to seamlessly fit and work together in the front and back end. This includes: Advanced Product Labels Ajax Layered Navigation Composite Products Product Bundles Product Gallery Slider Product Reviews Pro […]

  • Installing Storefront in your language

    Using community-generated languages Storefront translations are managed on WordPress.org. Download the language pack at Storefront Language Packs. Upload to wp-content/languages/themes/storefront-br_BR.mo in your WordPress installation. Go to WordPress Settings and adjust Site Language in the dropdown. Save Changes. Creating a custom translation Two of the most popular ways to create a custom translation are via Loco Translate and PoEdit. […]

  • Remove ‘Designed by WooThemes’ from footer

    The footer credits on both the left and right side can be customized through our options panel in the ‘Footer Customization’ area. For Storefront and its child themes, use the Storefront Powerpack or else you need to know CSS and custom style it. For Canvas: Canvas > Settings > Header & Footer > Footer For […]

  • Storefront Customizer

    Storefront’s appearance can be adjusted with a few clicks using the WordPress Customizer. Setup and Configuration Settings for Storefront are in the WordPress Customizer, which can be accessed from two locations: On the frontend, in the Admin bar, go to: Customize On the backend Dashboard, go to: Appearance > Customize The Customizer displays: Storefront Settings Below is a […]

  • Storefront FAQ

    How can I add my logo to Storefront? Storefront 2.0 and WordPress 4.5 allow you to can add a custom logo using the Site Identity theme feature in Appearance > Customize. More at: Add, Delete or Change a Custom Logo. How can I rearrange or toggle the display of components on the homepage? Use the Homepage Control […]

  • Storefront Installation & Configuration

    Storefront is our official WooCommerce theme, and it’s free to use. There is an installation prompt and a Customizer guided tour that walks you through the setup of key theme elements. Please refer to Storefront system requirements to confirm your site is running supported versions of WooCommerce and WordPress. Installation The fastest way to install Storefront […]

  • Storefront Requirements & Version Support

    Storefront Requirements Storefront follows the same server requirements as WooCommerce core. Storefront is designed to work well with WooCommerce, but the WooCommerce plugin is not required. Storefront can be used as a standalone WordPress theme without WooCommerce active. Version Support Currently Storefront follows the following policy around version support: Will support the latest version of […]

  • Translating Storefront

    Storefront translations are managed on WordPress.org. Contribute: To help translate Storefront, log in, click the language you wish to translate and begin making suggestions. Use: To use Storefront in your language, go to Installing Storefront in Your Language.