New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -


The Products tab allows you to access a list of products that can be sorted, or filtered by stock status, product type or category, searched for a specific product, viewed and managed, and new ones added. To access this view, tap the Products icon on the navigation bar at the bottom right.

Product Sort and Filter

Products can be sorted ascending or descending by either date or name.

  1. Tap on the Sort By menu at the top-left of the view.
  2. Tap Date: Newest to oldest, Date: Oldest to newest, Title: Z to A, or Title: A to Z to sort products accordingly.
  3. Once selected the product list reloads, showing products in the order specified.
  4. Tap anywhere else on the screen to exit the selection without making a change.

Products can be filtered by Stock Status, Product Status, Product Type, or Category.

  1. Tap on Filters at the top-left of the view.
  2. Select Stock Status to filter by Any, In stock, Out of stock, On Back order.
  3. Select Product Status to filter by Any, Published, Draft, Pending Review, Private.
  4. Select Product Type to filter by Any, Simple, Variable, Grouped, External.
  5. Select Category to filter by one of the product categories configured in your WooCommerce store.
  6. After each filter selection, either tap Show products to apply the filters, or tap the Back arrow (top-left) to view and select more filters.
  7. While filters are active a filter count is shown on the Product page next to Filters, and CLEAR appears as an option in the Filters view.
  8. To reset all Product filters, tap Filters, then CLEAR, followed by Show products.

To search for specific Products:

  1. Tap the Search icon in the top toolbar.
  2. Begin typing. The search will look for matching terms in Product names.

Also, if you tap on the SKU tab, you can search for a product by its SKU.

View and Manage Products

View Products

To view a product in detail, tap an individual product on the Products list.

The Product detail screen provides details on:

  • Product images: add or remove images
  • Product name
  • Product long description
  • For Variable products: adding and managing variations
  • For Variable products: adding and managing variation attributes
  • For Grouped products: add/remove products in the group
  • Price: regular price, sale price, sale schedule (from/to), tax status, tax class
  • Product reviews
  • For External products: Product link, button text
  • Inventory: SKU, Manage stock toggle (quantity, backorders), Stock status (in stock, out of stock, or on back order), toggle to limit one per order
  • Product Type: Physical, simple virtual, variable, grouped, external

For Variable products, you can update the prices and stock quantity across all product variations at once. You will find the option for bulk updating the prices by selecting Variations, then tapping the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen. If you have at least one variation that’s stock managed, you will also see the Stock quantity option.

At the bottom of each Product detail view is a link to ADD MORE DETAILS to add the following (visibility depends on product type):

  • Shipping: weight, length, width, height, shipping class
  • Categories: assign, unassign, add category
  • Tags: add tag, or select from tags existing in your WooCommerce store
  • Product short description
  • Linked products: upsells, cross-sells
  • Downloadable files: from device, from WordPress Media Library, enter file URL

Add a Product

Adding a product in the app requires data similar to when adding a product in your WooCommerce store. Follow the steps outlined below to add a product via the app:

  1. From the Product list view tap the + icon at the top-right of the screen.
  2. Select from Simple physical product, Simple virtual product, Variable Product, Grouped Product, or External product.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields.
  4. Tap Add more details to add, as required by your product, Shipping weight and dimensions, categories and tags, a short description, and linked products.
  5. Under the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen, there are options to Save as draft, Product Settings, or to cancel the product creation. Product Settings contain familiar WooCommerce options:
    • Status
    • Visibility
    • Catalog Visibility
    • Downloadable product toggle
    • Enable product review toggle
    • Slug
    • Purchase Note
    • Menu Order
  6. Once the new product configuration is completed click PUBLISH at the top-right of the screen

Share or Delete a Product

A published product can be shared, and a product with any status can be deleted.

To delete a product:

  • Enter the Detail view of the product.
  • Tap the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen.
  • Select Trash product.
  • A Remove product prompt appears.
  • Tap MOVE TO TRASH to confirm, or CANCEL to exit.
  • Confirming will move the product to trash and return you to the Product list view.
  • Cancelling returns you to product detail view.

To share a published product:

  • Enter the detailed view of the product.
  • Tap the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen.
  • Select Share.
  • Choose a sharing method from those offered (variety depends on apps installed on your device).

Still experiencing issues?

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If you’re using the Jetpack plugin to connect the app to your site, make sure that the Jetpack connection is active and working correctly. You can verify some known issues or try reconnecting your site.

If you’re still having difficulty, please fill out our contact form to reach our support team from within the app by going to Menu > Settings > Help & Support > Contact Support.