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360º Image for WooCommerce

An easy way to add a dynamic, controllable 360º image rotation to your WooCommerce site, by adding a group of images to a product’s gallery.

Mobile view

The 360-image spinner needs to be displayed in a one-column on mobile view. On my website, it displays as a two column which makes the spinner too small.




Current Status


Last updated: September 27, 2022


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  1. Themesquad says:

    Hi there, thanks for updating us on the feature request.

    Could you please contact our support team so that we can help you solve the issue?

    Kind regards.

  2. kaialceeyewear says:

    Nevermind. I figured it out.

  3. kaialceeyewear says:

    Definitely need this. In the meantime is there a recommendation on how this can be accomplished via css?