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PayPal Payments for WooCommerce

PayPal’s brand recognition helps give customers the confidence to buy. PayPal’s all-in-one checkout solution allows you to offer PayPal, Venmo (US), Pay Later, credit and debit cards, country-specific payment options and more.

2d Payment gateway

I have viewed some ecommerce custom store in which there is a checkbox in the checkout at the time of payment “pay with 3d secure” by default this extention is only providing 3d secure some stores like mine only want 2d secure so I need that feature.




Current Status


Last updated: August 12, 2023

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  1. rockrock0101 says:

    2d Payment gateway

    I have viewed some ecommerce custom store in which there is a checkbox in the checkout at the time of payment “pay with 3d secure” by default this extention is only providing 3d secure some stores like mine only want 2d secure so I need that feature.