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Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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WooCommerce Bookings

by  Woo
Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

Ability to show first available date by default bookings

Please add the ability to show the first available date and/or current date by default, some users will simply click off the page if the first available date isn’t automatically visible.


Current Status


Last updated: October 16, 2014


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  1. infodff5c612b66 says:

    did anyone figure this out?

  2. KYW says:

    please add this it would be a super helpful option. thanks!

  3. gpbush says:

    The comment below :if ( ! apply_filters( ‘wc_bookings_calendar_default_to_current_date’, true ) ) {

    Set the true to false and it will start the calendar at the first available bookable date.: Does not work. Any update on this as it would be a great thing to have.

  4. Luke Webster says:

    Can you use this as a function?

  5. Vladimir says:

    Already implemented, as explained by the previous commenter.

  6. Philipp zu Putlitz says:

    Hey Brandon, there is actually a flag you can set in the WooCommerce class-wc-booking-form-date-picker.php line 72

    if ( ! apply_filters( ‘wc_bookings_calendar_default_to_current_date’, true ) ) {

    Set the true to false and it will start the calendar at the first available bookable date.