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PayPal Payments for WooCommerce

PayPal’s brand recognition helps give customers the confidence to buy. PayPal’s all-in-one checkout solution allows you to offer PayPal, Venmo (US), Pay Later, credit and debit cards, country-specific payment options and more.

Add support for woocommerce cart and checkout blocks

Paypal is not supported with woocommerce blocks. Please add this feature.



Current Status


Last updated: March 20, 2023


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  1. Stephen Agius says:

    Woocommerce blocks are now the default, can you please upgrade this as a priority?

  2. dimkasta2 says:

    Is there any target date for this? It has been 6 months and the blocks are already the default in new installations. I just wasted an hour trying to find out why things do not appear properly on my new site

  3. agpdeveloper says:

    Also requesting this. It’s the only blocker preventing us from using the improved WooCommerce Checkout block.

  4. mbaierl says:

    Any update on this?

  5. Aman Sing says:

    Credit and debit card payment option no shoe and not work