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Stripe for WooCommerce

Maximize revenue with the new checkout from Stripe.

Apple Pay/payment request to support custom field/pricing extensions on single product page

‘- Composite Products (works in cart/checkout)

– Smart Coupons (works in cart/checkout)

– Product Bundles (works in cart/checkout)

– Subscriptions (works in cart/checkout)

– Bookings (works in cart/checkout)

– Product Addons (works in cart/checkout)

– Mix n Match (works in cart/checkout)

– Avatax

– Account Funds (works in cart/checkout)


Current Status


Last updated: February 28, 2018


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  1. ks6acd5feda2b6b says:

    Same here. Please support this. Thanks!

  2. joshmlabs says:

    Would love to see this working!

  3. Jesse-Lee Stringer says:

    We’ve had to remove both Google Pay + Apple Pay from the product pages as it doesn’t take into account relative “options” for products such as colour, size, or similar variants.

    TM Extra Product Options is a required plugin for our business and would hope integration is on the list!

  4. makeityourway1 says:

    +1 for tm extra product options, our product page converted really highly with Apple/Google Pay buttons – but doesn’t capture the extra product options.

    See this product page as an example:

    Would love to make this compatible to help our conversion rates

  5. Anonymous says:

    ‘We would need the ApplePay button to work on the product detail page where the customer can choose a product variation. for example here:
    When the customer changes an attribute and press the ApplePay button then the Apple Wallet opens and shows the correct product variation – but as soon as the circle in the wallet has finished, it does not show the correct and chooses product variation and price any more.

    This would be highly need features:
    – Composite Products (works in cart/checkout)

    without this feature ApplePay is useless for us because it is not possible to enable the ApplePay button only in the webshop basket.

  6. gabriele says:

    Would be awesome to have the chance to add a Custom Field I had to disable google/apple pay at the moment

  7. Martin says:

    Need the Apple/Google pay button to ONLY show on the checkout page as I have some required fields in the product page that need to be completed BEFORE they can add it to their basket and checkout. Please add this

  8. Anonymous says:

    RE WooCommerce Square — we need for Digital Wallets (ie Apple Pay, Google Pay) to ensure our custom required fields are filled before being able to process payment.

  9. Usman says:

    Our goal is to make the purchase of the product as easy as the touch of a button. By disabling this button option button we cannot achieve that goal. If you could please add the custom field, it would be an extra plus point for woocommerce to be the best to for our online store.

  10. Jackson Smith says:

    You must wear a respirator, goggles, and gloves when working with this product.

  11. Anonymous says:

    We second this request – Need the Apple/Google pay button to ONLY show on the checkout page as I have some required fields in the product page that need to be completed BEFORE they can add it to their basket and checkout. Please add this

  12. K says:

    Product Addons (works in cart/checkout) & Product Bundles (works in cart/checkout) are becoming a massive issue were we are now undercharging customers when they pay via Stripe for items that have extra product addons on.

  13. George says:

    This is the same article which I opened recently here.
    This should really be looked at.

  14. Alex says:

    Madness that this isn’t supported and 3rd party developers are not allowed to hook into this, locking the feature behind sup par official addons.

    Please fix this!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons to be in this list too

  16. Steffen says:

    It would be great if tm extra product options will work. ATM this does not work on product page.

  17. Alejandro Pérez says:

    I vote for this as Themecomplete Extra Product Options custom fields don’t work on the product page with the payment request button. The price is not the appropiate one!
    Good thing I realized before any customer bought without paying for the addons!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Also use Themecomplete Extra Product Options and would like their final total amount to be added to the one click checkout with Google and Apple payments.

  19. Do Dong Minh says:

    It would be great if it works well with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons

  20. WP says:

    This is a must have! right now customised products can only be charged the base cost and not the configured cost when configuring a product using a plugin for example

  21. Anonymous says:

    Gets my vote too!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Voting yes!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Yes, Order delivery date too!!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Please add order delivery date for this!

  25. Folabi Ogunkoya says:

    yes pls