Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Stripe for WooCommerce

Maximize revenue with the new checkout from Stripe.

Apple Pay/payment request to support custom field/pricing extensions on single product page

‘- Composite Products (works in cart/checkout)

– Smart Coupons (works in cart/checkout)

– Product Bundles (works in cart/checkout)

– Subscriptions (works in cart/checkout)

– Bookings (works in cart/checkout)

– Product Addons (works in cart/checkout)

– Mix n Match (works in cart/checkout)

– Avatax

– Account Funds (works in cart/checkout)


Current Status


Last updated: February 28, 2018


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  1. Christopher Simmons says:

    Hi, the issue we have is that when using Stripe > Chrome or Apple Pay, and the add-ons Woo plugin, the subtotal not reflected in sale price when payment made; so the ‘add on’ gets dropped since ajax doesn’t update cookie total, only on screen total unless add to cart button clicked. We had to remove the ‘pay now’ button from product page due to this issue. (Support suggested I vote on issue here.)

  2. Joel says:

    This would be the hardest to handle with WooCommerce Subscriptions, though technically doable but would have to be coded per gateway. It might take a week, but I could code this for Stripe if this is of interest to people. I still have to look at the flexibility of Stripe’s Subscription API and some things that are available in WCS might not work with Apple Pay, but if people are interested, let me know. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:


    Apple Pay works amazing with a “simple product” listing on the product page. Allowing users to buy something on their apple device without going to the cart or checkout page

    When using the product bundle plugin on a product, the Apple Pay feature is disabled. Can you guys make a fix in the next update that will allow product page payments via Apple Pay, when using the product bundle option

    Im aware that Apple Pay works with product bundles on the cart and checkout page. Im asking about the product page to enhance and quicken the customer shopping experience.

    If anyone knows how to make this work let me know

  4. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone figured this out? or heard anything about an update to support this

  5. Kathy Darling says:

    Name Your Price should also be included in this list.

  6. Brandon says:

    Yes I would also love if Apple Pay & Google Pay would recognize the price change w/ Name Your Price.

  7. Steve wild says:

    would be really useful !!!

  8. Sanjeev Jha says:

    As a theme developer with support for wc bookings plugin, I know this will be a huge plus point for our theme and customers.

  9. michael scott says:

    We currently use Product Addons Extension.
    However, when someone checks out using Woocommerce Stripe via Apple Pay the credentials for the order from the Addons extension are missing when the order is completed
    (both in the backend & the email).

    Given these are both Woocommerce Extensions we would have expected them to work together.