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Store Credit for WooCommerce

Provide Store Credit coupons that are redeemable at checkout. Send credit to your customers to use it in future purchases or allow them to gift credit to someone.

Apply credit/coupon to price incl. without altering the taxes

My shop relies on refundable containers: I charge 1€ (non-taxed) per container, and the customers get it back in the form of a store credit when they return the jar. Accountancy-wise, this is a debt, not a sale.
This means that when my customer uses their store credit, it needs to apply to the price incl. without altering the taxes that *I* need to declare to the authorities as a shop.
Because right now, if someone uses a 10€ coupon on a cart of 8€+2€ taxes, I end up declaring 0€ in taxes.

More info here:



Current Status


Last updated: October 9, 2023

1 comment

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  1. KoiLab says:
    Product developer October 9, 2023 12:50 pm

    Hi there,

    Thanks for taking the time and leaving us a feature request.

    We strongly suggest you contact our support team as this feature is unique to your case.

    If there’s anything else we can do you for, please let’s know.

    Kind regards.